Example sentences of "go back [prep] [art] [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 There are certain associates , who 're not going to use a rate book , there 's associates who er , because you 're doing a two appointment sale , will always have time to come back to the office and get a computer quote and go back with the right answer .
2 You 've got , again , a much more stable population , there are n't nearly so many teachers , young women teachers who leave the system to get married and then perhaps do n't go back at all , or only go back on a part-time basis .
3 When you have finished , go back over the whole list and circle those four or five things that you would like to work on for yourself over the next week or so .
4 I think we 've got to be serious about it in terms of targeting given individuals , tracking back their history , go back through the bloody files , if there 's been anybody been treated .
5 Both looked well pleased after hours of hard drinking and glowered at their sober master 's harsh strictures to leave their ale and go back through the pouring rain to King 's Steps and another unpleasant journey along the Thames .
6 Go back for a second glance — is that really me ?
7 However , if you go back to a lengthy program after a couple of months you will find it very difficult to understand if you have not included any REMs .
8 Horns go back to an older world where surrenders were not accepted , to the dead defiant Roland rather than the brave , polite , compromise-creating Sir Gawain , whose dinner is served to ‘ nwe nakryn noyse ’ — the sound of chivalric kettledrums .
9 You ge you forget yourself do n't you and you go back to the two times table , we 're on threes now .
10 When you have practised the exercises for two or three weeks , go back to the two pages you read at the outset and time yourself as you read them again .
11 ‘ I felt there was a real danger that we would turn full circle and go back to the dark days under Revie when the manager 's indecision was final . ’
12 An assessment of those walls , banks and groynes , published last year by the Department of the Environment , found that ‘ many go back to the 19th century and so , not withstanding that over £2 million per year is spent by the district councils on maintenance , heavy expenditure on renewals continues to be needed ’ .
13 Of all Christians , those of the Orthodox family have remained the most conservative , Their cultural roots go back to the Byzantine Empire and there has been no event for them comparable to the Reformation or Vatican II .
14 From prehistoric times there have been fortifications of one sort or another on the great Rock which dominates the surrounding countryside , but the first records go back to the seventh century .
15 If we go back to the middle ages we had the situation of craftsmanship , where one individual was responsible for the design of what they were doing , the selection of the materials regarding what they were doing .
16 Some aspects of open enrolment go back to the 1980 Education Act .
17 The tithe maps of Halling show all the property belonging to the Bishop of Rochester , but also that of owners bordering on these lands , so if we go back to the 1633 estate map we find that lands above the Pilgrims Road and in the area around Court Farm are owned by Luson or Leveson and the 1731 map shows Marsham and R. Wood as present owners .
18 You find some tape in a kitchen drawer and go back to the front hall , turning him round so that you 're between him and the door .
19 In fact , the origins of the Geneva conference go back to the international chemistry conference held in Paris in 1889 .
20 Disputes among Spanish and Indian painters themselves , in some ways antecedents of all subsequent debates around ‘ indigenism ’ , go back to the early days in Cuzco .
21 If the symptoms recur , go back to the restricted diet .
22 Um if you go back to the eighteenth century , early nineteenth century , you find that um I think it was at er Winchester possibly , er some some of you may have heard of this in in History or something , er there was an uprising at Winchester school and the Army had to be called in to quell the rioting pupils because they were rebelling against the harsh conditions .
23 The school , whose origins go back to the twelfth century , has been moved to a new location .
24 And whether it 's electronics or physics or maths or anything else , erm when you get to the point where you 're dividing by zero , you have to say well now we leave the , the mathematical model , and we just go back to the common sense model .
25 If you go back to the original manufacturer , they may well be able to help you out or at least recommend someone that can .
26 From here on in , we go back to the original plan to phase-out vehicle manufacture in the UK and import instead .
27 The precedents for this kind of poem go back to the seventeenth century , and one could usefully look at Pope 's Windsor Forest or Dyer 's Grongar Hill .
28 And the explanations they offer go back to the social wholes which form and constrain individual people .
29 ‘ I would hope if sufficient parents support me they will either postpone the tests until Easter , by which time the children will have some idea of what it is like , or go back to the previous system .
30 The origins of Gdansk go back to the 10th Century and its historic centre has been preserved in its ancient style .
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