Example sentences of "to see its [noun sg] [prep] the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 For like a great many theories , it seems much more easily applicable to some kinds of text than to others ; one can see quite clearly its possible relevance to the sort of literature that the New Critics generally preferred to discuss , the lyric tradition from Shakespeare , roughly speaking , to Yeats ( Wimsatt and Brooks described their movement ( 1957 : 742 ) as ‘ neo-classic ’ ) ; but it is much less easy to see its relevance to the novel , or to much modern avant-garde writing .
2 If pupils are disaffected with school because they fail to see its relevance to the labour market , then non-sexist curricula may become yet another target for displays of boredom and alienation , yet another part of the school fabric to be attacked .
3 DASA 's motives smack of industrial machismo and a desire to see its name on the nose of a jet .
4 The nineteenth century was to see its status as the language of diplomacy grow still further as it became even more a symbol of some underlying European unity which , however vague , was genuinely felt to exist by most of those who decided the continent 's destinies .
5 He raised his arm to see its motion in the flesh of his thumb , and clamped his other hand around the base of the digit in the hope of stopping its further advance , gasping as though doused with ice-water. the pain was out of all proportion to the mite 's size , but he held both thumb and sobs hard , determined not to lose all dignity in front of his executioners .
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