Example sentences of "to see [pers pn] [verb] [prep] the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Parents who fork out one a year for expensive games would not have to see them abandoned in the cupboard and teenagers could have a dozen games a year at pocket money prices .
2 Having made contact with a group of students at the nearby Architectural Association he went to see them play at the Goings On Club in Archer Street , a tiny place largely frequented by poets .
3 ‘ The memory will always be with me of those lads ' faces , even though at the time I was only twenty years old myself , to see them sat on the floor of the aircraft , and some of the trying to negotiate the main spar , and the cheers and tears when we came over the white cliffs of England .
4 ‘ I was sorry to see them striding along the walks at Tunbridge Wells with their arms akimbo , dressed in martial uniform , ’ wrote the authoress Elizabeth Montagu that spring of some fellow members of her sex .
5 I think that 's what I think , but I 'm not sure that if I 'd been born here I 'd be pleased to see me walking down the lane .
6 At this Mr Healey was jolly pleased to see me trapped in the Thickets of Quotation , and , again merrily , said , ‘ Plato ?
7 The dogs were surprised when I disturbed them in the middle of the night and they chased in their runs when I left again , strained to see me departing through the rain , and hear the car door opening , their bowls clanking as I threw them inside .
8 Dr Livesey came out of the house in time to see me climbing into the stockade , and my friends welcomed me happily .
9 Endill ran to the door expecting to see him crashing into the sea but when he looked down , saw him clinging to a wooden beam sticking out of the rock .
10 She had wanted to see him wake to the possession of all this beauty but he watched its passing impassively , stirring only to ask practical questions .
11 Id like to see him continue in the side ( in any position ) .
12 She breathed relief and opened her eyes just in time to see him disappear through the wire gate .
13 Then at the last minute she swung round , her heart bursting inside her , just in time to see him disappear through the terrace doors .
14 To see him passing by the window in his bucket hat holding a slice of bread and butter in his hand like the Mad Hatter , then hitting his forehead with his palm and rushing back in again .
15 No employer will willingly train a craftsman only to see him go down the road to work for another employer who has invested nothing in training .
16 Could we bear to see him weeping across the border there in West Yorkshire ?
17 Surveying the results of her handiwork , she stayed only long enough to see him scrabble for the safety of the bank .
18 He did n't want anyone to see him walking through the theatre .
19 He wished it were Perdita at the end of the rope , he 'd like to see her crashing to the ground over and over again .
20 I did n't know her at all , other than to see her go into the house and out of the house .
21 He felt the glass being tweaked from his fingers and opened his eyes to see her disappearing into the kitchen .
22 and they have that right to say well it 's in the national court we 're going to leave it there , erm , well so , so I think we would be reluctant to see it go to the commission erm Delimitis does say in the paragraph after what , after fifty three it says well your alternatives is to send it off to Luxembourg
23 I was particularly pleased to see it go on the ZZAP !
24 ‘ I want to see it drop into the Pacific . ’
25 Deep down , he had felt too much at home in the City to want to see it deleted from the Yggdrasil file .
26 And above all he does n't want to see it appearing in the Accounts .
27 ‘ I know it 's a medium to long-term investment but it is good to see it growing in the meantime , ’ she says .
28 I mean he for him to see it walking along the road if there was anything .
29 Lonrho 's ethics have been publicly queried in the past , so many in Whitehall are galled to see it cast on the side of the angels by its opposition to the Al Fayeds , after they had thwarted Lonrho 's own designs on Harrods .
30 China is thus reluctant to see it put in the dock .
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