Example sentences of "others [vb base] [vb pp] [prep] [noun sg] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 These included not only the psychiatric cases but also those suffering from tuberculosis ( nineteen patients in 1945 ) and others con fined to hospital for long periods .
2 The image of policing gleaned from police programmes on British and American television and in films is very much how Easton 's police see themselves , as others have commented with respect to police forces elsewhere ( Holdaway 1983 : 147 ; Hurd 1979 ; Klockars 1983 ; Morris and Heal 1981 ; Tuska 1979 ) .
3 While others have argued with passion about these intensive methods , animal scientists have been quietly asking pigs how they prefer to live .
4 Moreover , even where such opportunities for participation in the decision-making process do appear to exist , as for example in the public local inquiry , they frequently turn out on closer inspection to be disingenuous as McAuslan and others have demonstrated in respect of the Windscale Inquiry ( McAuslan , 1980 ; Breach , 1978 ) .
5 Since Cox confined herself to the truly great , her sample — unlike , say , Ellis ' and Bowerman 's — naturally contained the names of many individuals whom others have quoted as evidence for the connection between creativity and psychosis ; including , incidentally , one ( Cowper ) who appears in this book .
6 Normally I 'd be reaching for ‘ annihilate ’ button when faced with such an ‘ aware ’ and ‘ right-on ’ selection of topics but Leatherface succeed where so many others have failed by virtue of the tuneful tempestuousness of their music , an assault with melody , muscle and sheer conviction which is irresistible , and the fact that Frankie Stubbs never sounds like a po-faced preacher — unlike a certain other native of the North-East whose name I can hardly type without sending my blood-pressure into the red .
7 Rochlin appropriates for masculinity , albeit in a form so highly selective it might hardly be recognized , that sense of the inherent instability of identity which Lacanians and others have taken from psychoanalysis for feminism .
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