Example sentences of "'d been [verb] [adv prt] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 So they 'd been sent down into the rock no doubt still with orders to draw blood from the air .
2 I had a feeling they 'd been blocked off by the malais and had n't been able to go by the quickest route they wanted .
3 In all the time that he 'd been living out on the Step Pete had seen only one stranger go by , and that was a hiker who 'd stopped to ask the way because he 'd been lost .
4 If you 'd been tossed around in the eddies down there I would n't have given much for your chances . ’
5 Yes , yes , but erm , you know , I have had to say to the chaps , one of them came in and he said he 'd been spoiled down at the cedar and I said oh well , I , I 've been cooking a breakfast for Neil of course by the operation of sods law , Neil suddenly goes off the idea of having breakfast , so I find myself cooking breakfast for this other lump , who is as idol and selfish as anybody ever met in all the born days , and I said to him just recently , I said , I , I ca n't get up and do breakfast 's in the morning any more , well he says he come 's down and does he 's own , you see they can when they feel that they want too .
6 He 'd been pottering around in the big old half-ruined sheds on the other side of the quarry , one day back in the summer .
7 He had fancied being a poet when he was a boy — before he 'd been thrust out into the real world to try to earn a living .
8 It was n't the same corridor : it was narrower than the one they 'd been carried along on the transporter .
9 She still did n't know what had happened when she 'd been put through to the room .
10 Erm I think they thought they 'd been let down at the end of it .
11 Erm yes , they er , they felt they 'd been let down by the Railway men , I think , or someone else at the beginning at the Strike , and they were out on a limb but er they 'd got to make the best of it .
12 She 'd been going on about the outings , never getting away , had n't she ?
13 William who was a widower told his son he could believe he 'd been taken in by the conmen .
14 They make the poor girls look as though they had n't been properly unpacked , as though they 'd been taken out of the box and someone had left half their wrappings on . ’
15 She 'd thought about going back to her room for a while , maybe find out from Josie what she 'd been caught up in the night before , but it would take her more than half an hour to walk .
16 Davide threw himself on it to stop her pulling it off altogether with the bowl of fruit and the jug of water and glasses with it ; so they grappled , and in the contact something gave way , melted within them both and they clung together , aching in their heads and their bones as if they 'd been caught out on the mountains in the winter and been chilled to the marrow .
17 Whatever evidence the IAAF officials discovered in the laboratory , one only needed to look at recent pictures of Johnson , in which he resembled an inflated balloon , to guess that his improved times showed he 'd been sucked back into the drug culture .
18 Also there were the people who 'd been coming in to the shop when it was still Let It Rock .
19 Glancing at his watch , Donaldson saw that it was after five ; seven hours since he 'd been picked up at the courtroom , during which time he 'd skipped lunch and spent his afternoon handing tidbits to a bright primate .
20 ‘ I 'd say you 'd been sitting out in the sun too long . ’
21 The trap in Sam 's boathouse kept intruding and so did Angela Brickell ; the cold threat of khaki water that could rush into aching lungs to bring oblivion and the earthy girl who 'd been claimed back by the earth , eaten clean by earth creatures , become earth-digested dust .
22 It was only thirty-six hours since she 'd been washed up on the island like a piece of flotsam , she reminded herself ; early days to start bewailing her fate .
23 After he 'd been coaxed out of the cart in the yard , three serving women had carried him into the house .
24 Maybe he 'd been scared off by the snow and taken Caspar home .
25 Then he 'd been walking back to The Randolph when he suddenly felt he just could n't face his excessively sympathetic countrymen , and he 'd called in a pub and drunk a couple of pints of lager .
26 Yeah , oh yeah I remember it quite well I , I can remember that I , the only parts of Harlow I liked were the country lanes , I did n't like all the new houses , but then I 'd been brought up in the country
27 She wondered how he would be now if he 'd been brought up in the Down Manor Orphanage .
28 Certainly Joanne Menzies appeared not to recognize him , although he 'd rather regretted choosing the character of Detective-Sergeant McWhirter of Scotland Yard when she revealed that she 'd been brought up near the Kyles of Bute .
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