Example sentences of "used to provide [noun] [prep] the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Funding from OBAT ( Outer Belfast Action Team ) has been used to provide equipment for the centre as a community facility .
2 At Straiton , however , a combination of the grout injection method and the placing of a heavy-duty geotextile membrane at rockhead level was used to provide support to the road embankment over the limestone and Pentland oil shale workings .
3 A constructed exchange control index is used to provide support for the hypothesis that financial deregulation has provided a boost to foreign portfolio investment .
4 Bosnia and Serbia possessed rich forest resources , which were used to provide charcoal for the metal workers ' furnaces as well as timber for the construction of houses .
5 TEXT is used to provide annotation on the map .
6 * MEDLEARN * is used to provide training in the use of MEDLINE-MEDLARS ( Medical Literature Analysis and Retrieval System ) online .
7 Serious composers , such as John Cage , were more influenced by Eastern philosophy which was used to provide authority for the insertion of chance events in the performance of music .
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