Example sentences of "laid down [prep] the [noun] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 In the case of Monetary Union , the situation arises not just from the special treatment accorded to the UK and Denmark , but also from the fact that it was appreciated that not all Member States would meet the rather strict criteria for economic convergence laid down as the precondition for participation in the monetary union ; such States are referred to as ‘ Member States with a derogation ’ , and would , inter alia , be excluded from the decision-making process on certain matters .
2 At many subsequent meetings there are regulations laid down for the conduct of the Pacquet , and a committee appointed to see that they were conformed to .
3 At many subsequent meetings there are regulations laid down for the conduct of the Pacquet , and a committee appointed to see that they were conformed to .
4 You will be taught about hazards both in the classroom and on the wards and should always adhere to procedures and policies laid down for the safety of patients and yourself .
5 It follows that the conditions laid down for the registration of vessels must not form an obstacle to freedom of establishment within the meaning of articles 52 et seq .
6 Some , at least , of the graptolitic black shales are what we can recognize , with the hindsight of plate tectonic theory , as the deposits laid down of the edge of the continental shelf , in a truly oceanic environment .
7 If you follow the principles laid down at the beginning of this feature then you should have no problem .
8 These leaves are beautifully preserved in a flat-bedded and very highly fissile shale , laid down at the bottom of a fresh water lake .
9 However , despite the teacher 's independent authority to discipline pupils , the test laid down in the case of R v Rahman by the Lord Chief Justice Lord Lane for the limits to a parent 's right to detain his/her child probably offers a guide to teachers .
10 The Supreme Court , overturning a ruling by the High Court on March 16 , 1989 , ruled that such offences constituted political offences under Section 50 of the Extradition Act 1965 , and that the principles laid down in the case of Finucane also applied in Carron 's case .
11 To understand what it is to trump and to revoke should we attend to the use laid down in the rules of the game for trump cards , or should we attend to the characteristic feelings of trumping and revoking ?
12 He recognized in Hitler certain ‘ gifts ’ that could be further developed and used to project Germany with powerful force towards the ideal of the ‘ Superman ’ laid down in the philosophy of Nietzsche , and to re-vitalize the ancient Aryan heritage .
13 She felt he was looking at her professionally now : a woman who had only had two cups of coffee for breakfast , who had not gone shopping or taken herself out to lunch as she had planned , who , in the old days , never seemed to waste a minute , who never laid down in the middle of the day and yet was now stretched out on the bed , inert , apathetic , openly admitting that she had n't realised the time .
14 The Commission maintained that the nationality requirements laid down in the Act of 1988 were contrary to the general prohibition of discrimination on grounds of nationality set out in article 7 of the E.E.C .
15 No provision of Community law could justify the residence requirements laid down in the Act of 1988 .
16 Having referred to the apparently absolute rule , the tribunal concluded : ‘ Nevertheless our duty is to apply the tests laid down in the Act in Section 24 ( 6 ) and to take the Code of Practice into account .
17 Today every single living thing that has ever lived , from a bacterium to a plant or a fully formed animal , has been built according to specifications laid down in the molecules of the dna called chromosomes .
18 The Acts of Parliament , although applying to Scotland , use the English spelling , as do the various forms laid down in the Acts in connection with the representation at Westminster .
19 They accepted that employment upon the terms as to remuneration laid down in the scale of the Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors whereby they would receive 10 per cent of one year 's rent defined as ‘ the rent reserved by letting ’ plus any additional service charge .
20 Some perspective on just how limited the reforms laid down in the Declaration of Rights were is provided by comparing them with the proposals for reform which had been made by opponents of the government since Charles II 's reign .
21 Claims brought in respect of loss of cargo will be governed by the rules laid down in the Carriage of Goods by Sea Act 1971 , the Hague-Visby Rules .
22 Those Departments and projects considering purchase of display screen equipment should note that , as from 1st January 1993 , the workstation environment ( including furniture , lighting , layout etc. ) must fully meet the standards laid down in the Directive before any new workstation is installed , and that the workstation environment costs should be added to the costs of any hardware being considered .
23 It was enacted that the vill should not be required to pay the cost of service beyond the county boundary , that the equipment required of troops should not go beyond that laid down in the Statute of Winchester , and that service overseas should not be required as an obligation of tenure .
24 Meanwhile , never for a second was there any lifting in the murderous artillery blanket laid down by the cannon of the opposing sides , now nearly 4,000 strong .
25 ‘ The rights deriving from the above-mentioned provisions of the Treaty include not only the rights of establishment and of participation in the capital of companies or firms but also the right to pursue an economic activity , as the case may be through a company , under the conditions laid down by the legislation of the country of establishment for its own nationals .
26 Teaching in schools must follow the lines of a national curriculum laid down by the Secretary of State which will dominate approximately 90 per cent of school timetables .
27 The Spanish Government considered that the nationality condition and the other conditions laid down by the Act of 1988 were manifestly contrary to the basic principles of the E.E.C .
28 Article 67 , which is concerned with the free movement of capital , differs from the other ‘ freedoms ’ laid down by the treaty in that it is not drafted in absolute terms .
29 The personal estate was distributed in accordance with rules laid down by the Statutes of Distribution of Charles II 's and James II's reigns .
30 The number of years over which loans could be repaid was a matter for each individual authority , subject to maxima laid down by the Government for given categories of assets .
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