Example sentences of "to face [adv prt] to [art] [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ That accident could have happened to anyone — male or female , ’ Sophie said , ‘ and all vets have to face up to a certain amount of danger . ’
2 If the hon. Gentleman wants a level playing field between Scotland and England , he will have to face up to a substantial drop in spending by central Government in Scotland .
3 She kept trying to tell herself that his was just another face in a long line of faces , but the nearness of him was agonising , and she was forced to face up to a bitter realisation .
4 ‘ There comes a point when you 've just got to face up to the private hell you go through every day . ’
5 Like spinning tops we dash from from one emergency to another , always citing them as an excuse for our unfailing refusal to face up to the global urgency staring at us
6 Apart from the physical difficulties , he also had to face up to the mental stress of completing the task .
7 I know how good you are at hiding away inside it when you do n't want to face up to the real world .
8 WAR CLOUDS OVER EUROPE read the banner headlines at the opening of Reed 's earlier film , Bank Holiday ( 1938 ) , a picture whose setting suggests escapism but whose narrative argues for the need to face up to the dark side of life in order to find meaningful happiness .
9 Bourgeois literature was unequivocally condemned on three counts : first , for its failure to voice opposition to the First World War , a failure in other words to disclose the true reality of the war as an imperialist struggle ; secondly , for its refusal to offer an accurate depiction of the Soviet revolution , a failure explained as the cowardly refusal of the bourgeois writer to disclose the deepening crisis of capitalism after 1929 , a crisis highlighted by the success of the five year plan in the Soviet Union ; finally , for its refusal to face up to the growing threat of fascism .
10 It is not going to be an easy time for the Government ; but if it fails to face up to the fiscal deficit it will risk a crisis of confidence developing later which would require more drastic remedies and put both the recovery and the reduction in unemployment at risk .
11 It is not going to be an easy time for the Government ; but if it fails to face up to the fiscal deficit it will risk a crisis of confidence developing later which would require more drastic remedies and put both the recovery and the reduction in unemployment at risk .
12 You need to be in a strong mood to face up to the unvarnished realism of these performances but , once entered into , they are absolutely gripping .
13 Local farmers , too , were forced to face up to the unpleasant fact that they could no longer compete with the Poles because of the low cost of Polish labour and the high Reich and Polish tariff barriers .
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