Example sentences of "staring down [prep] the [noun] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 With a slight nod , Dora directed her glance towards the opposite side of the pool , where Dieter Erdle stood staring down at the water as if engrossed in his own reflection .
2 There are few more pathetic sights than aggrieved bowlers staring down at the popping-crease after being no-balled , craning neck insinuating that the umpire was in error .
3 ‘ Humph … ’ the policeman grunted , staring down at the notes before him .
4 You lose their attention if you keep staring down at the papers in your hand .
5 The families gathered round in a circle , staring down at the remains of their menfolk .
6 The boy rose to his feet , still gripping the banisters and staring down at the figure in the doorway .
7 When his father was absent , he would come here himself and stand beside the pool , staring down into the water as if emptying himself into its depths , letting his thoughts become the fish , drifting , gliding slowly , almost listlessly in the water , then rising swiftly to breach the surface , imbued with sudden purpose .
8 A private party in some high-rise apartment block ; looking down into the city from the forty-second floor , it was like being inside a radio , one of those old valve radios , and Jed almost told Creed what he thought , he almost blurted something Creed would n't even have understood , You must 've had radios thrown away some time , did n't you ? but the rush blew over and he was still staring down into the forest of lit buildings and he still had n't spoken .
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