Example sentences of "begin [verb] [prep] [art] [num ord] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 They begin to appear in the first quarter of the eighteenth century , a remnant of the funerary effigy , though it is not recorded that nobles , apart from those of royal blood , ever had them ( Cromwell and General Monck excepted ) .
2 The bishops ' pre-occupation , too , was with structured administration , which the registers of their activities begin to record from the thirteenth century .
3 The offer of longer-term rewards for continuous employment in Japanese firms is common to large and small firms but as Figure 3.4 indicates the profiles begin to diverge after the fifteenth year .
4 I begin to appreciate for the first time , as I stand here on the outside looking in , how very reserved is the world in which we work .
5 As you gain experience and begin to think about a first cross-country , local soaring provides a golden opportunity to check the compass for large errors and to get some practice at turning on to definite headings .
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