Example sentences of "newly [verb] [noun] [noun sg] [prep] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 For 1988 the number of reports of newly diagnosed HIV-1 infection in men who had had sex with men ( 1062 ) was the lowest in any year since the widespread introduction of testing .
2 Our data included documented seroconversions to the end of 1991 — that is , newly diagnosed HIV-1 infection in men for whom the year and month of a previous negative result of an HIV-1 test were available .
3 In 1861 he was appointed manager of the Cowlairs works of the Edinburgh and Glasgow ( later North British ) Railway and in 1865 locomotive superintendent of the newly formed Highland Railway at Inverness , where he rebuilt existing locomotives to make them more suitable for use over its heavily graded lines .
4 He backed the movement for Welsh higher education and became a governor of the newly formed University College of Wales , Aberystwyth , founded in 1872 .
5 SCOTVEC is a member of the newly formed Lead Body in Languages which will be considering competences in language use and language teaching in relation to the needs of different occupations .
6 In 1864 he was transferred to the newly built Broadmoor Hospital in Berkshire .
7 Tilden became senior science master at Clifton College , Bristol , in 1872 and was elected to the chair of chemistry at the newly founded Mason College in Birmingham ( later the University of Birmingham ) eight years later .
8 Bel Shanaar himself visits the newly founded Dwarf city of Karaz-a-Karak and signs the pledge of eternal friendship between Dwarfs and the Elves .
9 The newly opened Kirchner Museum in Davos is dedicated to the life and works of Ernst Ludwig Kirchner , the German artist who helped draft the manifesto of the Die Brücke school in Berlin in 1905 .
10 The Yes/No People , creators of Night of 100 Drums and Beat The Cycle , will be stomping , banging , abseiling and cavorting all over the Dome in this newly commissioned largescale version of Stomp .
11 The newly introduced EC policy on mergers outlined in the previous section is similar in intent and approach to that of the UK .
12 I am conscious of unfinished business : we still need many more new members ( and the newly announced bonus scheme for Sections should help here ) ; we still have more to do to broaden and cement relationships with other transport associations , despite what has already been achieved ; and above all we have to continue to strive for transport excellence , and to adapt and change to meet today 's needs .
13 In 1850 , as a newly appointed house surgeon to St George 's Hospital ( where he later became lecturer in anatomy ) he presented a paper to the Royal Society ‘ On the development of the optic and auditory nerves ’ .
14 Thorne , newly appointed finance director of Sainsbury 's , is probably unique among her colleagues round the board table .
15 The walkway follows the disused railway line from Warriston Crescent , past Warriston Cemetery and Bonnington Mills to the newly created Coalie Park in North Leith .
16 Menem also announced that a newly created Justice Ministry under Leon Carlos Arslanian would introduce fresh legislation in order to " fight corruption effectively " .
17 In 1875 he entered the newly established University College of Wales , Aberystwyth , where his contemporaries included many other nationally-minded young Welshmen .
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