Example sentences of "suffered from [art] [adj] [noun] of " in BNC.

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1 The paper 's initial foray suffered from a certain paucity of research and culminated in an attack on the impeccably orthodox BBC disc-jockey David Jacobs whose prime status was wilting under the impact of the new pirate radio stations .
2 As a child she had suffered from a mild case of polio , which left one leg slightly shorter than the other .
3 Such success for developing countries is not always the case , even in the same industry ; Bolivia has had a sorry experience in trying to do the same as its Eastern rivals , but has suffered from a critical lack of expertise .
4 In France the rule of the dukes who sought to govern in the place of Charles VI who , since 1393 , had suffered from the intermittent attacks of a mental illness which was to remain with him until his death in 1422 , appealed to a rising sense of nationalism which tended to favour a vigorous defence of French interests .
5 The salaries of government employees such as doctors and teachers were subject to inflation and still suffered from the Soviet concept of paying intellectuals less than manual workers .
6 Sturge chairman David Coleridge said : ‘ Wise Speke 's performance in the first half year suffered from the depressed level of activity in the Stock Market as a result of political and economic uncertainty prior to the General Election .
7 He has never suffered from the traditional shortcomings of young princes .
8 For some of us it is because we have suffered from the emotional manipulations of others .
9 The last period during which the country suffered from the combined effects of disastrous harvest and epidemic diseases was from 1723 to 1730 , particularly the later years .
10 The Company suffered from the industrial depression of 1931 and at a meeting of the directors in May , the following proposals were considered : —
11 During the 1980s both the community and its schools suffered from the severe effects of deindustrialisation , which for the schools was compounded by an above average drop in pupil numbers caused by a fall in the birth rate .
12 Although all four projects received high scores for their scientific content , PRISMA appears to have suffered from the high costs of its proposed European launch , and MARSNET from uncertainty over US plans for the study of the planet , while STEP was seen by some participants as requiring further technical refinements .
13 Elizabeth had particularly suffered from the Snowbound school of reviewers ; being insensitive to the charm of her work , they found it trivial .
14 Because the RAWP formula is only used to determine shares of the nationally allocated budget for the NHS , it has not suffered from the same instability of allocations for individual Regional Health Authorities that has occurred for Local Authorities .
15 It was situated in a post-war housing estate on the outskirts of Greenock and suffered from the same sort of social and economic problems found in the working class communities elsewhere .
16 Like the Teal , the Shoveler has undoubtedly suffered from the improved drainage of many inland marshes , and the present winter population does not often exceed 200–400 birds in a normal year .
17 The interior of the church suffered from the dead hand of the restorer between 1897 and 1907 , but it represents one of the most monumental examples of the Romanesque in Bohemia .
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