Example sentences of "suffered from the [adj] [noun pl] of " in BNC.

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1 In France the rule of the dukes who sought to govern in the place of Charles VI who , since 1393 , had suffered from the intermittent attacks of a mental illness which was to remain with him until his death in 1422 , appealed to a rising sense of nationalism which tended to favour a vigorous defence of French interests .
2 He has never suffered from the traditional shortcomings of young princes .
3 For some of us it is because we have suffered from the emotional manipulations of others .
4 The last period during which the country suffered from the combined effects of disastrous harvest and epidemic diseases was from 1723 to 1730 , particularly the later years .
5 During the 1980s both the community and its schools suffered from the severe effects of deindustrialisation , which for the schools was compounded by an above average drop in pupil numbers caused by a fall in the birth rate .
6 Although all four projects received high scores for their scientific content , PRISMA appears to have suffered from the high costs of its proposed European launch , and MARSNET from uncertainty over US plans for the study of the planet , while STEP was seen by some participants as requiring further technical refinements .
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