Example sentences of "derived from [art] [noun sg] [prep] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 This structure is not , as might at first be imagined , derived from a fantasy of power relations modelled on a medieval joust but from the phenomenological account of the constitution of knowledge that works according to the structure of a subject perceiving an object , a same/other dialectic in which the other is first constituted by the same through its negation as other before being incorporated within it .
2 The political theory of liberalism was derived from a variety of sources : the facts and necessities of the national rising ; the commonplaces of the eighteenth-century natural law school and Montesquieu ; the historically tinged constitutionalism and the generalized feeling for reform that was characteristic of the Godoy epoch ; the more radical brand of constituent reform that found strong press support in 1808 ; the influence and example of France ; the works of Bentham .
3 Both of these corpora are about a million words in size and are derived from a variety of domains .
4 This procedure has been used extensively to analyse the CAAT repeat region from several different lic loci derived from a variety of H.influenzae strains and has proved to be highly reproducible .
5 Most of what is known about him is derived from a Life by Izaak Walton published in 1670 .
6 Procedures derived from a backdrop of adjudication may not however be the most appropriate or effective in particular areas .
7 The title of Tie Me Up and Bind Me Robin was derived from a quote from Maid Marion in the wholly innocent 1955 series Robin Hood .
8 In other words , the body plan of existing vertebrates is readily understood as being derived from a set of structures which , in a distant ancestor , were adaptations for a particular way of life .
9 Similarly , semantic theories derived from a number of disciplines ( e.g. , linguistics , philosophy , formal logic ) have formulated theories of meaning , on which psycholinguists can base theories of how those meanings are computed in humans .
10 In the case of the railway companies , it was a belief derived from a number of sources .
11 Humanly selected terms may be derived from a number of sources , in particular other lists of words used in the subject area , including :
12 In inland areas salt is derived from a number of sources .
13 The standard terms in widespread use are derived from a number of sources .
14 The United States had entered the Second World War with a very limited overseas basing system , but by the close of the war had acquired a massive global basing network ‘ derived from a combination of conquests , agreements with allies , and temporary arrangements with neutrals and exile regimes that had at least the potential for post-war renewal and extension ’ .
15 It is this essentially dynamic experience — energy releasing energy , which gives medieval Christian mysticism its special characteristics , many of which were directly derived from the teaching of St Augustine ( fifth century ) , the most seminal figure in the West for orthodox mystical theology .
16 A number of these latter studies explicitly included data derived from the experience of parents as well as social workers ( Packman et al . ,
17 For the moment let us focus on Said 's subsequent point that if Orientalism and anthropology derive from historicism , this is by no means a thing of the past : of more recent sciences , Said singles out in particular that of world history as practised by Braudel , Wallerstein , Anderson and Wolf , which he contends is still derived from the enterprise of Orientalism and its colluding companion anthropology , and which has refused to encounter and to interrogate its own relationship as a discipline to European imperialism .
18 The duty to perform a contract can not be derived from the principle of respect for autonomy .
19 Another , more complex , attempted resolution of the above paradox , which suggests , similarly , that the justification for enforcement can be derived from the principle of respect for individual autonomy , returns to liberalism 's definition of ‘ the right ’ or the constitution of society .
20 The legislation renders liable to forfeiture any benefit derived from the publication of material concerning the circumstances of the offence , from the publication of material concerning the defendant 's opinions , exploits or life history ( provided that the benefit was attributable in whole or in part to notoriety achieved through commission of the offence ) or any benefit obtained by commercial exploitation in any other way of notoriety achieved through commission of the offence . )
21 The day-to-day principles of control , derived from the hierarchy of offices , would reside in direct surveillance and supervision , as well as the standardized rules and sanc-tions .
22 A second argument has traditionally been used to reassure us that the economic power derived from the ownership of property is subject to constraints .
23 The base for indexing is derived from the RPI of June 1984 and is ( after adjustment to allow for the rebased RPI ) 89.2 .
24 The colour of the reefs is derived from the presence of algae .
25 However , our experiments were performed after an overnight fast ( 16 hours ) , and influences derived from the presence of traces of food within the duodenal lumen can be excluded .
26 Support for that proposition can also be derived from the case of Re Sherry [ 1913 ] 2 Ch 508 at 512 .
27 This increase partly reflects the benefits derived from the issue of preference capital in September 1992 and March this year , which together totalled $250m , and the acquisition of the Prudential non-life business in Canada .
28 Adjusted to take account of interest paid , net investment income in sterling terms increased from $102.7m to $115.6m — a growth rate in original currencies of 9.3% , partly reflecting the benefits derived from the issue of preference capital in September 1992 and March this year , which together totalled $250m .
29 Adjusted to take account of interest paid , net investment income in sterling terms at the full year was up from $389.1m to $464.8m — a growth rate in original currencies of 6.0% , partly reflecting the benefits derived from the issue of $140m of preference capital in September last year .
30 These three ingredients collectively formed the background in which natural hazards research crystallized , although as noted earlier the origins clearly arose in North America and particularly derived from the work of Gilbert White at the University of Chicago , later at the University of Colorado , and leader of the Commission on Man and Environment ( 1968- ) of the International Geographical Union .
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