Example sentences of "faced with the [adj] [noun] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 But to be faced with the short-term threat of redundancy at the hands of private contractors brought in by the health authority would mean that they might feel subject to a considerable degree of provocation .
2 In the first two years of office she had to give way to Cabinet pressure on pay rises for MPs , the scale of public spending cuts in November 1981 , gas prices , the Rhodesian settlement , the compromise on the EEC budget ( faced with the implicit resignation of Lord Carrington , who had negotiated it , if she did not accept ) and , while Mr Prior was at Employment , action against trade union immunities and the closed shop .
3 He claims that when oil companies were faced with the contradictory demand for speedy exploration and extraction and the requirements of safety they , with successive British governments ' blessing , chose speed .
4 Faced with the immediate prospect of a serious coal dispute and fuel crisis the Baldwin government decided to provide a nine-month subsidy to the coal owners , during which time a royal commission , the Samuel Commission , would investigate the coal industry .
5 The teacher is faced with the persistent problem of how to help children feel the action has started when the truth is they do not have either enough factual or empathetic resources to identify with the historical situation .
6 The fact is that Russian publishers producing books on art are faced with the real threat of closure .
7 Turning the dogmas of the Sandys Reformation into practicable military policies had not been easy when faced with the real world beyond the confines of Whitehall and Westminster .
8 Faced with the economic reality of the option to cut costs by using a cheaper , unqualified accountant ( however false an economy this may be ) , many limited companies will move away from member firms .
9 None the less , faced with the greatest crises of his reign , and unable to sift through the unfathomable views , and motives of his countrymen , the Shah had turned increasingly to foreign advisers .
10 Faced with the progressive disintegration of the SED-PDS , Modrow called at the ninth round table meeting on Jan. 22 for immediate talks on a grand coalition .
11 Faced with the great variety of distinctions that I have indicated we may ask whether they can in fact be brought within the compass of a single typology .
12 Faced with the impossible task of finding something that was cheap , simple and fair , the Group opted , to their credit , for a system that would be as fair as possible in all the circumstances , letting the other criteria take care of themselves .
13 Mildred was now faced with the impossible task of convincing someone that there was an elderly magician in the pond .
14 ‘ Yes , Miss Hardbroom , ’ said Mildred , now faced with the embarrassing task of prising the unfortunate cat from the broomstick and making her way miserably from the yard with the taunting stare of Ethel boring into her back .
15 ‘ It 's difficult , faced with the marvellous food on offer twenty-four hours a day .
16 Faced with the financial consequences of its commitment to a hard law and order policy the Government has attempted a conjuring trick .
17 Even less is known about the strategies ( the choice of technology , product or market ) they followed when faced with the increasing loss of markets at home and abroad .
18 Such moves , some between private companies and others inspired by governments , can be seen as a further restructuring of the European car industry , faced with the increasing challenge of Japanese and other Far Eastern competition .
19 It is a clear indication of Hammond 's formidable nature that , faced with the reforming zeal of Sir Charles Trevelyan ( 1807–86 ) , the Assistant Secretary to the Treasury , the de facto head of the Civil Service , and a joint author of the influential Northcote-Trevelyan Report of 1854 , he was able to make a special case for the Foreign Office .
20 Theodora was faced with the usual dilemma of such contrivances , did one hammer on the outer door ( there seemed to be no bell ) and risk not being heard or did one penetrate to the inner door proper and risk being judged intrusive ?
21 Our politicians still speak of help coming just around the corner , but in the inner cities of England and America , among the chronically unemployed , among the young faced with the long-term prospects of AIDS or the imminent threat of annihilation , there is little talk of hope .
22 These same people the , even when faced with the blatant facts of their mistakes , still hurl at the hapless retailer who unwittingly sold them the five 3″ goldfish that they tried to cram into a small glass bowl full of raw tapwater .
23 Like many a mother faced with the apparent intransigence of her child , she ignored the rebuff and gave the servants the best advice any of us could receive : ‘ Do whatever he tells you ’ ( John 2.5 ) .
24 Faced with the stark reality of a choice between jobs or no jobs , the majority had elected to work .
25 Faced with the full cost of schooling , parents would ensure that their children made good use of it .
26 Skipper John Best is nevertheless faced with the tough task of ensuring that his crew are the best for the job .
27 The Cumberland Packet Extraordinary , faced with the biggest story in its history , made the most of it .
28 Faced with the implacable hostility of the Dwarfs it seemed to him foolish to maintain huge armies overseas , particularly with a more pressing threat to the Elf heartland .
29 However , a realisation of the required changes is perhaps the biggest hurdle to overcome particularly when faced with the considerable barrage of recent legislation and the tight time-scale in which it has had to be implemented .
30 At school leaving age , parents who had previously been able to cope with a child attending or possibly boarding at a special school are faced with the continuing prospect of full time life with their mentally handicapped son or daughter who may be unable to find a place in a training centre or enter full time education .
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