Example sentences of "ratio of [noun] to [noun sg] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 It has long been recognised that the ratio of doctors to population in the United Kingdom , at 1 to 562 , is the second lowest in western Europe , where the average is 1 to 338 .
2 In addition , acid rain mobilizes the aluminium in forest soils ( from harmless soil compounds such as aluminium silicate ) which decreases the ratio of calcium to aluminium in soil solutions to the extent that root growth is impaired .
3 Kane 's first category of race-linked physical and physiological characteristics , then , is in doubt from the start but he delineates them as follows : proportionately longer leg lengths , narrower hips , wider calf bones and greater arm circumference among black athletes than among whites ; a greater ratio of tendon to muscle among blacks , giving rise to the condition typically termed double-jointedness , a relatively dense bone structure ; a basically elongated body structure among black athletes , enabling them to function as more efficient heat dissipators relative to whites ( 1971 , pp.74–5 ) .
4 Water-use efficiency calculated from 13 C is often highly correlated with the ratio of biomass to transpiration of C3 plants , but the correlation is influenced by leaf-to-air vapour pressure differences .
5 Moreover , in these works one can see the beginnings of Burn 's highly systematised manner of design : the Merchant Maiden and Greenock Custom House had the same strict 1:4 ratio of height to width as Covent Garden while standard scales were , as far as circumstances would allow , adopted for the orders and such things as doorcases .
6 The biomass of colobines shows a close positive correlation with the ratio of protein to fibre at each site , while there is no evidence of predation or disease limiting the populations .
7 This set-up allowed Thomson to compute the ratio of charge to mass for the particles which the experiment seemed to show must compose the rays .
8 To compensate , Asian families were prepared to cut current consumption drastically , thus raising the ratio of savings to GDP to heights ( such as 39 per cent ) unheard of in developed countries .
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