Example sentences of "late [conj] [num] [art] [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 As late as 1934 the New Survey of London Life and Labour was opining that ‘ a large proportion , perhaps a majority , of London working class families are still unable to reach this very modest standard [ a week 's holiday ] and have to be content with day outings on Bank Holidays or Sundays ’ .
2 However , as late as 1979 a Soviet researcher wrote that no system existed for checking and analysing technical and economic information relating to product quality , and that ‘ present methods of assessing the quality of goods manufactured for export or already delivered to the foreign consumer can not provide an adequate view of how well they are produced ’ ( Gruzinov : 1979 , p. 191 ) .
3 Even as late as 1956 a considerable earthquake destroyed half the buildings on the west coast of the island .
4 At Guelph as late as 1911 a Romanesque effect was combined with an Italianate tower , while at Goderich extensive offices were incorporated in a large round tower .
5 The second half of the century was a period of intolerance , of deepening division not only between Catholic and Protestant — though a Catholic emperor , Maximilian II , could still favour Lutherans and as late as 1583 a Catholic Archbishop of Cologne could contemplate marriage to a nun — but between Lutheran and Calvinist and even within the various religious camps .
6 As late as 1812 the French representative in Naples fought a duel with his Russian colleague over a question of precedence ; and his doing so was officially approved in Paris .
7 In Russia , for example , as late as 1914 the urban population was only 18 per cent of the total .
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