Example sentences of "removed and [vb pp] [prep] [art] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Wing tips on each aircraft were removed and deposited in the cockpit for passage through the narrow streets .
2 For the road transfer to the docks , wing tips were removed and deposited in the cockpit to be re-installed after the Wasp sailed .
3 These would be removed and stored over the Christmas period but later re-instated– .
4 These would be removed and stored over the Christmas period but later re-instated ’ .
5 If required , the rootstock can be removed and stored in a container of damp soil or mud , covering it from frost .
6 Therefore the rhizomes should be removed and stored in the manner as described for A. ulvaceus .
7 Everything has been removed and stored within the Village Hall .
8 This first requires the code to be downloaded from the computer out to a dedicated programming unit and transferred into an EPROM or EEPROM , which is then removed and placed into the module under test .
9 It was not necessary to re-roof the attached cart-shed on the west side , the pitched and hipped shape of which was retained , but the original timber-framed and boarded north elevation of this ‘ wing ’ was removed and replaced with a cavity wall , finished externally with salvaged facing bricks .
10 The exterior source was then removed and replaced with the gamma detector , which was worn in a harness to fix its position .
11 In 1868 the Fenny Compton tunnel , on the same canal , was removed and replaced by a cutting .
12 They showed , for instance , that if you look at someone saying ‘ ga ’ on a piece of film with the sound being removed and replaced by the sound ‘ ba ’ , then subjects will actually report hearing the sound ‘ da ’ .
13 I had both radiators removed and transferred to the lorry and told the driver to go to the nearest large town and to contact the best plumber to help me repair the radiators .
14 Five ml of H 2 O were added to the resin incubated mix , this was left to settle for 10 minutes , and 4 ml of supernatant was removed and examined for the presence of 1 4 C-citrulline by liquid scintillation counting .
15 With the above transformation , each interval of the coordinate x of length 2 π/; c corresponds to a circular region in the X , Y plane with the origin removed and cut along the line .
16 At ‘ battle level ’ the action is fast and furious , and this part of Campaign could almost be removed and developed as a stand alone game .
17 Once it has sprouted and the first few leaves have developed to about an inch , it should be removed and transplanted in the aquarium .
18 THE new television advertisement for the Volkswagen Golf shows a car being dropped , removed and returned as a cube of twisted metal — to prove that it is recyclable .
19 The ion exchange resin beads have the ability to exchange sodium ions held on the resin , for the calcium and magnesium dissolved in the water , so that after passing through the resin bed the water contains non hardness forming sodium slats , the calcium and magnesium having been removed and held on the resin .
20 This heavy fine so impoverished him that his northern castles fell into decay , and in 1574 the decay was such that all buildings of the castle were demolished and valuable materials removed and used for the repair of Wressil Castle .
21 Some of the arena 's dirt was later removed and used as a fill for home construction .
22 The originals were removed and retained by the upholsterer employed to carry out this work .
23 First , a small fragment of material is removed and stuck to a glass slide ; it is then carefully ground away until it is only 0.03 mm thick .
24 The flakes of mud would have been carefully removed and put in the rubbish bin in the kitchen .
25 All have since been removed and installed in a museum in Hull .
26 His father 's body that had lain in the great lead-lined stone coffin there for forty years was reverently removed and buried below the flagstones inside the chapel , which was hung with black , and the old man was told that all was ready for him .
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