Example sentences of "tend [to-vb] the most [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 For effectiveness , then , magazines and journals tend to reach the most relevant markets , provided they are selected carefully in the first place .
2 Research on the development of various types of psychiatric disorder has so far suggested that close relationships tend to play the most crucial role in increasing or decreasing vulnerability .
3 Mothers tend to give the most nutritious food to the rest of the family , while existing on tea or toast .
4 Another drawback is that many census estimates concentrate on natural change ( i.e. the difference between births and deaths ) and tend to ignore the most effective component of population change in the western world , migration .
5 For example , the study shows a correlation between levels of sighting and the thickness of quartz-bearing rock ; that the most active faults , such as the Craven fracture , tend to produce the most spectacular UFO concentrations in local folklore ; that there is a direct association between the lights and the presence of reservoirs ; and clear indications that the UAP entails atmospheric ionisation .
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