Example sentences of "turning to [art] [noun sg] [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 A Somali taxi-driver denounces those in his country who still think they can make a radical revolution , before turning to a discussion of the narcotic , khat , legally available in Britain but banned for some time in the US .
2 Most of the experiments on this topic have , however , been conducted with human subjects and I shall begin by reviewing this work before turning to an analysis of the relatively few further studies that have used animal subject to pursue the phenomenon revealed by Lawrence .
3 These issues will be considered first before turning to an analysis of the remainder of the clauses in Precedents 1 and 2 .
4 If delays and cancellations remain a regular feature of summer travel the airlines may find package holiday operators turning to the Tunnel as a more reliable way of getting their customers to destinations in Western Europe .
5 The government abandoned public references to the possibility of emancipation and " groped for a means of resolving the peasant question by turning to the experience of the past " .
6 Before turning to the issue of the importance of investment , and providing cross country comparisons , we briefly consider investment in inventories .
7 Turning to the issue of the senior inspector has raised , as something like er get my proportions right , but something probably like three quarters of the York outer ring road is is trunked already .
8 Turning to the issue of the care of laboratory animals , you suggest that ‘ the needs of the animal must come first ’ .
9 As the conservative party prepares itself for a turbulent debate on Europe tomorrow , many of them will be turning to the work of a Cotswold publisher for guidance .
10 His mind for a long time before this crisis arose had been turning to the idea of a new party orientation and government by what he called a Council of State …
11 Turning to the design of a second-order Butterworth filter , according to equation ( 12.2 ) is required .
12 Before turning to the decline of the ‘ Hitler myth ’ , however , we need to sketch it at its absolute zenith , in the years when Blitzkrieg victories brought almost the whole of Europe under Hitler 's command .
13 Erm I was going to pick up on a number of points that have been raised by previous speakers , but erm Mr Grigson and Mr Curtis seem to have er dealt with a few of those , erm just with regard to the the table put in by C P R E , with their figures , I would just agree with Mr Cur er Mr Grigson that there is a very substantial degree of double counting in those figures , there is also a very substantial degree of over provision in the allowance for for conversions , er past conversion rates in Greater York have averaged something like twenty nine dwellings per year , over a fifteen year period your talking about four hundred and thirty five dwellings , which is the figure that both York City Council and ourselves have have made allowance for for conversions , that compares with a figure of a thousand dwellings referred to by the C P R E and I see no foundation for that figure , erm , as I say Mr Curtis already picked up on the point about windfalls rates by Mr Thomas , erm just turning to the difference between the tables er submitted by the County Council and York City Council on the the residue within the er Greater York area , I would accept the figure , the figures put in the tables by Mr er by Mr Curtis , I think that they have picked up the the more recent planning permissions and the completions information , and they also take on board there more recent work on erm development within the city , and I I accept that table .
14 It is like turning to the end of the story before you begin reading it , to find out if the bad dies got their just deserts , or the good guys won .
15 Turning to the politics of the community the Dukeries again stands out as atypical among British coalfields .
16 Before turning to the detail of the debate , my hon. Friend the Minister of State for Health , who has been present for most of the debate , has asked me to apologise to the House on her behalf for the fact that she could not stay throughout .
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