Example sentences of "sentence [prep] [num] year ['s] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Miroslav Stepan , former Communist Party secretary in Prague , was sentenced on Oct. 22 to 30 months ' imprisonment following confirmation by an appeal court of his July conviction on charges of abuse of power connected with the suppression of a Prague demonstration on Oct. 28 , 1988 ; a second charge relating to a January 1989 demonstration was referred back to the Prosecutor 's Office [ for his conviction and initial sentence of four years ' imprisonment see p. 37737 ] .
2 This new law was put into practice two weeks before my son 's death , and carried with it a maximum sentence of five years ' imprisonment .
3 J. Spencer commented [ 1979 ] Crim LR 24 : " [ w ] hy should running away after telling lies carry a sentence of 5 years ' imprisonment under s.2(1) ( b ) when running away without telling lies — which is more harmful , because [ the accused ] is likely to be harder to trace — only carries a sentence of 2 years under s.3 ? "
4 As that course had not been taken , the sentence of three years ' detention took effect , by reason of Criminal Justice Act 1982 , 5.1B(S) as a sentence of 12 months ' detention , and the excess of the sentence over 12 months ' was remitted .
5 Although the sentencer had exceeded his powers by passing a sentence of three years ' detention in a young offender institution , the error was automatically corrected by this provision and a lawful sentence resulted .
6 Sacheverell 's trial the next spring sparked off widespread rioting in London , and although Sacheverell was eventually found guilty , he received the mild sentence of three years ' suspension from preaching .
7 Although Sacheverell was found guilty , the decision by the House of Lords on 21 March to impose the mild sentence of three years ' suspension from preaching was widely seen as a moral victory for the doctor over the Whigs , and the news was greeted with ( often violent ) celebrations throughout the country .
8 Section 23 penalizes the intentional or reckless administration of any poison or noxious thing which results in danger to the victim 's life or grievous bodily harm ( maximum sentence of ten years ' imprisonment ) .
9 The Court had reached the conclusion that it should quash the indeterminate sentence and substitute a sentence of seven years ' detention .
10 The offender was on licence at the time of the offence from a sentence of 15 years ' imprisonment imposed in 1981 .
11 The charges , which carried a maximum sentence of 50 years ' imprisonment and a fine of $1,000,000 , alleged that Imelda Marcos had secretly invested in Manhattan real estate and valuables using money stolen from the Philippines .
12 The charges of gross embezzlement and abuse of power carried a maximum sentence of 20 years ' imprisonment , but Zhivkov , aged 79 , looked unlikely to suffer this fate since Bulgarian law did not permit anyone over 80 to be sent to prison .
13 The longest determinate prison sentence ever upheld by English courts was the sentence of forty-five years ' imprisonment in the case of Hindawi ( 1988 ) , a man who sent his pregnant girlfriend on a flight with a bag which contained a bomb timed to destroy the aircraft and its 350 passengers in mid-flight .
14 Arraigned on the same charge , Ren Wanding , the veteran human rights activist , who had previously been imprisoned for four years for his activities in the 1978-79 Democracy Movement , was given a more severe seven-year sentence with three years ' deprivation of political rights , having refused to show repentance for his " grave " crimes .
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