Example sentences of "to move away from the [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Recent commentaries on the mass media derived from within the broad Marxist tradition have attempted to move away from the simplistic view of the mass media as mere relay systems ; a view which implicitly suggests that the study of the mass media is not problematic since their ownership ( usually by large corporations ) pre-determines the nature of their work .
2 Much of this has been changed by the 1988 Code of Criminal Procedure , which attempts to move away from the inquisitorial system and to introduce adversarial elements into the criminal process .
3 Overall , the reforms ( particularly the CSFs ) represented a further attempt to move away from the passive form of EC regional aid , whereby EC expenditure was simply added to nationally determined projects , and regional policy was therefore little more than a system of budgetary transfers .
4 Far from being modifications to Freud , Talcott Parsons 's changes to the theory remove the whole purpose of sociologists turning to Freud in order to move away from the over-socialized conception of man .
5 The organisation is about to move away from the combined paper-based and spreadsheet systems it has been using to produce its statutory and management accounts .
6 Although it may be argued that a meaningful measure of comprehensive income can not be provided unless a full system of current value accounting is employed , the introduction of the SCFW is likely to encourage the preparers of financial statements to move away from the historical cost system and to value relevant assets at current values .
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