Example sentences of "does [adv] come [prep] a [adj] " in BNC.

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1 I hope that that does not come as a total surprise to him , as it appears to .
2 If Lamb 's sacking does not come as a major shock then Gower 's latest axing is mind-blowingly baffling following his much trumpeted recall for the third Cornhill Test match at Old Trafford .
3 Generally , infertility does not come as a sudden cut-off point ; rather it declines gradually , and when it is observed we have to look for the cause in the interdependence breakdown , and not just regard it as a shortage of one or other nutrients .
4 He does n't come with a judgemental way .
5 I believe that 's something that needs to be looked at and if the government were prepared to embark on a review of auditing er generally then that is something that I think there is some useful point in pursuing further er it 's interesting that er er erm when Bingham examined this point at paragraph three er point three nine in his report er he has a long paragraph er discussing these matters and er he says that er he at the end of the day he does n't come to a concluded view er although he does er acknowledge the fact that there are many people er depositors or example , share holders and employees who might have an interest in a particular company .
6 Joanne does n't come from a wealthy background and yet , by hard work and determination and not a little goodwill from Slater himself ( who coaches her free of charge ) , she is making things happen in her tennis life .
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