Example sentences of "must be had to the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 In borderline cases , such as broken down vehicles or power assisted pedal cycles , recourse must be had to the case law .
2 Regard must be had to the decision in Williams & Glyn 's Bank Ltd v Boland [ 1981 ] AC 487 .
3 Regard must be had to the fact that the employee 's sense of danger will have been dulled by familiarity , repetition , noise , confusion , fatigue and preoccupation with work ( Caswell v Powell Duffryn Associated Collieries Ltd [ 1940 ] AC 152 ) .
4 However , in Coote v Eastern Gas Board , Byrne , J. decided that regard must be had to the nature of the industry in question , thus the plaintiff , a gas worker , could not complain about the ‘ usual ’ smell of gas .
5 It has been said that regard must be had to the nature of the contract broken , the position of the parties to the contract , the grounds for the breach , the means employed to procure it , the relation of the person procuring it to the person who breaks the contract , and the object of the person procuring the breach .
6 Where , in complying with s 51(8) , the responsible person reduces the amount which would otherwise be awarded to the person in question , the amount of that reduction must not exceed a prescribed percentage ( for the time being 25 per cent ) and on any taxation of the costs payable by that person to his legal representative , regard must be had to the amount of the reduction ( s 51(9) ) .
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