Example sentences of "over [art] past [adj] [noun pl] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 But its chief glory is a superb collection of works of art , purchased by the Trustees over the past fifty years on advice from the Director .
2 This section covers only a few of the documents published over the past hundred years on the geology of the Channel bed , including a few relating to the 1970s project which seems particularly relevant today .
3 Over the past 10 months of this year , more than 5,600 homes have been burgled in Gloucestershire .
4 Over the past 10 years under this Government , the number in employment in the construction industry has declined by almost 250,000 .
5 My aims were to record the time distribution of night visits and to show the trend in claims in Berkshire over the past 10 years after adjusting for the change in claimable hours .
6 This projects builds on earlier work by the investigators over the past 10 years in the United Kingdom and the United States .
7 In the 1990s the number of people of working age will either fall or grow more slowly than over the past two decades in all the big industrial economies , which should help to reduce dole queues .
8 Unemployment has fallen by a fifth over the past two years to below 8% .
9 A great deal has been said and written over the past two years about East European grandees being given back their property , but reality lags behind the talk .
10 Bartels has been credited with helping Steffi , 23 , over the past two years in which she has been plagued by illness and unhappiness .
11 Our experience at the Royal National Throat , Nose , and Ear Hospital over the past two years in a study of over 200 children aged 3–8 years with chronic ( more than six months ) or recurrent ( more than three episodes ) glue ear is that a high proportion ( over 80% ) have allergic rhinitis and that treatment of this is associated with resolution of the secretory otitis media in most cases .
12 Many of the items are thought to have been stolen in burglaries over the past two years in the Cotswolds , Herefordshire , Worcestershire and Warwickshire.So many antiques were recovered , it took eight furniture lorries to bring them back to Cirencester .
13 The problem has been augmented over the past two years by the US recession , which brought about more company failures , and the savings and loan debacle .
14 This weekend 's meeting is the latest in a series of conferences over the past two weeks during which ministers , their advisers , vice-chancellors , polytechnic directors and senior officials have been thrashing out strategies for expanding the higher education system .
15 After sketching her many times over the past two days in all sorts of positions , and studying the sketches for an hour earlier this morning , Faye was now ready to paint .
16 My right hon. Friend has shown the utmost skill and stamina over the past two days in keeping us away from the dangerous path towards the centralised Europe that none of us who are good Europeans want to see .
17 A Health Ministry report released on March 9 said that a further 21,772 Iraqis , of whom 8,081 were children under five , had died over the past two months from a shortage of humanitarian supplies [ see also pp. 38696 ; 38742 ; 38789 ] .
18 We 're all painfully aware of our individual employment situations have changed for the worse over the past fourteen years of Tory government .
19 US involvement in Uk defence technology has steadily increased over the past thirty years as the UK has sought to maintain its lead within increasing economic constraints .
20 The record of capitalism over the past 200 years in transforming the standard of living of the Western world is remarkable .
21 One reason he thinks he can do it is the help he 's had over the past six weeks of intensive Lilleshall training from England 's newly-installed bowling coach , the former Surrey and Sussex star Geoff Arnold .
22 After gathering momentum over the past six months under the guidance of an Interim Action Board while fundamental matters such as constitution , scope , budgets and organisational structures were determined , DISC is now poised to seek confirmation from the BSI Board that DISC may be formally established within the BSI framework .
23 Although Downing Street accused the press of producing misleading information , the row falls into a pattern apparent over the past six months of confusion in the Government and a lack of communication between departments .
24 The Alton office , based in Paper Mill Lane , have seen a marked increase over the past six months in the number of adults looking to change careers , either as a result of job loss , reduction in promotion prospects , or a desire to retrain in a different field .
25 We have examined patients identified in our gastrointestinal unit over the past five years with chronic DU disease unassociated with current or recent H pylori infection .
26 Had the investor paid £10 a month over the past five years into the best performing fund ethical/green fund — Framlington Health — the investment would now be worth £1,312.88 .
27 What is being suggested is a softening of the hard line taken by the Tories in Scotland over the past five years in the use of political patronage .
28 While most reggae DJs rapidly rise in popularity only to sink within a year , Shabba 's following has swelled over the past four years to a point where the reggae market is too small to contain him — witness the shooting and tear gas panic last year at the Brixton Academy , or January 's trashing of Tower Records , London , during a personal appearance .
29 This model has been developed and validated over the past four years by a research team at Loughborough University through extensive experimentation .
30 The engine has been developed over the past four years by engineers and designers at Vauxhall 's parent plant , General Motors .
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