Example sentences of "[adj -est] [noun] of " in BNC.

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1 In Flanders , where the cloth trade provided an urban-based industry , the transformation of small centres like Ghent , Ypres , and Lille into the greatest cities of northern Europe was startling .
2 This category has the least security , but the greatest freedom of manoeuvre .
3 Those countries which are least isomorphic in their institutional arrangements have the greatest freedom of movement and choice either way .
4 To avoid this problem and to allow the greatest freedom of competition between financial institutions , the alternative is to use monetary base control with no statutory cash ratio .
5 He has faced the toughest election of any Tory chairman for 20 years , while spending the afternoons dashing to Bath to defend his own marginal seat against a strong Liberal Democrat challenge .
6 And all the time you were n't really there , you were somewhere else entirely , and the funniest part of it was that you ended up looking like a pro , like a model who lived for these moments in the public eye .
7 TESSA Sanderson edged into tonight 's women 's javelin final after the toughest fight of her life .
8 But in general Boniface was one of the greatest exponents of a high view of metropolitan and episcopal power which would confront the reformers who asserted papal authority in the eleventh century .
9 Brunel ( q.v. ) , though famous for his great works of stone and iron , was also one of the greatest exponents of engineering with timber , and he built many road and rail bridges , particularly in the West Country , using timber beams which could be replaced , when need be , without closing the roads or tracks for long periods .
10 It is too much to hope that EMI will raid its archives for Solomon 's Chopin , Debussy or Haydn but to keep the work of one of the greatest exponents of the Beethoven sonatas under wraps for so long ( the sonata recordings were last issued in 1972 ) is simply incredible ; especially considering the efforts EMI have gone to in issuing the Beethoven recordings of others .
11 ‘ Little did she know that she had just landed one of the world 's greatest exponents of ‘ leap before you look ’ as a buyer , or she 'd probably have persuaded you to buy London Bridge and a stake in a Peruvian gold-mine at the same time . ’
12 Mrs Gaskell , writing to an American friend in 1860 , certainly thought that those in Streatham Street were not designed to be so : ‘ There is but one sink & c for every floor ; the fireplaces were the poorest kind of parlour grate , over or by which there was not the least [ hope ] of cooking ; there was not a peg , a shelf , or a cupboard , or even a recess in which one might be cheaply made . ’
13 Is not the constituency of the hon. Member for Durham , North-West ( Ms. Armstrong ) in the middle of the area of the United Kingdom which gets the largest level of outside investment into this country and , indeed , into the European Community ?
14 And there , all along the lefthand side of the Parade , is the grandest building of them all — the Admiralty .
15 TREVOR FRANCIS yesterday predicted that 18-year-old Chris Bart-Williams is destined to become one of the greatest talents of English football .
16 The later term that Freud adopted to this super ego has become synonymous in people 's minds with conscience the idea of the super ego as the the role of conscience and presum presumably that 's another aspect of the same thing and er Serg Moskovicy in his excellent book Age of the Crowd erm which is on the reading list which I can thoroughly recommend in discussing this point of how Freud sees the leader as the kind of super ego of the followers quotes one of the Nuremberg war criminals , I forget which it was now erm Goering or Goebbels or one of these er people who when asked of the Nuremberg war tribunals why did you do the things you did , replied Adolf Hitler was my conscience and that 's er that 's a very erm good example of this idea of er how the the role of conscience can be transferred from the individual to the , to the leader of the group and I suppose Dean you would say erm illustrates one of the greatest dangers of group , group membership because er obviously if if that happens in a group , then erm individuals are to some extent erm surrendering their moral self-responsibility and of course if Freud 's insight is correct , then there was an element of truth in in this in this excuse Adolf Hitler was my conscience .
17 To foster in pupils a love of literature , to encourage their awareness of its unique relationship to human experience and to promote in them a sense of excitement in the power and potential of language can be one of the greatest joys of the English teacher .
18 They dropped down into the city of Wells from the lower slopes of the Mendip Hills , and can not have failed to pause for one of the finest views of the cathedral .
19 Possibly one of the finest views of upper Swaledale is the view from the Butter Tubs Pass above Cliff Side , where the narrow upper dale begins to widen out towards Thwaite .
20 If you walk up the hill above the Pulpit , you will be rewarded with one of the finest views of the beautiful Howgills Fells .
21 But the wisest course of action is to tackle the problem at source and cut your fuel bills .
22 Dougal was halfway back to the car park before it occurred to him that flight was not necessarily the wisest course of action .
23 But I am sure that , as a reasonable man , he will agree on reflection that the wisest course of action for the Government is to continue to support the secretary-general 's efforts .
24 The clearest instance of all involves the dénouements of the new drama .
25 But equally , it provided a home for some of the darkest forms of distrust of and revulsion from sex and marriage .
26 It took as long again for their theories to be discredited , despite the fact that almost none of their Hollywood idols would agree that they were the sole auteur of the films they made ; while the greatest weakness of their belief was that the most flawed work by one of their preferred film-makers was of more interest than a major piece by one of those they did not rate .
27 The greatest weakness of many governments has been the need to tax which always inspires hatred in the breasts of taxpayers .
28 It is the greatest weakness of this wider view of accounting that there is no system for producing the data , which is verifiable in the way that double-entry bookkeeping is .
29 The greatest advantage of infrared astronomy , however , comes when looking at objects well beyond the Solar System .
30 Among the foreign objects , which were either made by Mesopotamians living at Susa or seized as war booty , is the stele of Naramsin ( 2254–2218 BC ) , a stone relief showing the Akkadian king conquering a frontier tribe in a mountainous landscape , one of the greatest masterpieces of ancient Near Eastern art .
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