Example sentences of "[pn reflx] and on " in BNC.

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1 He tried many of them out on himself and on his family and friends , and noted the effects produced by each .
2 He began experimenting with other drugs in use at the time and , using his extensive knowledge of botany , he investigated the effects of a number of medicinal plants , both on himself and on a small circle of friends and pupils .
3 The most obvious connection was , of course , France itself and on most occasions which presented themselves the French told the Americans of their difficulties and requirements in Indo-China , how many of their troops were there and , usually , how many they had lost .
4 best-rule can also make its choice depend on the node N itself and on the properties which characterise a goal , Goal-conditions .
5 Two broad groups seem to emerge from the known evidence ( fig. 8 ) , each with a different level of impact on the defended area itself and on the extra-mural suburbs .
6 Client agrees with KPMG ( for itself and on trust and as agent for the others mentioned below ) fully to indemnify and to hold harmless KPMG , its partners , employees , its lawyers , [ Stephenson Harwood ] , any Approved Broker and ( subject to Client 's prior consent to their engagement ) any other advisers , agents and consultants retained by KPMG in connection with the Offer ( any and all of which or whom is referred to as an ‘ Indemnified Person ’ ) from and against any and all losses , claims , costs , damages , actions , proceedings , demands , liabilities and expenses whatsoever , joint or several , ( collectively ‘ claims ’ ) which any such Indemnified Person may suffer or incur and which relate to or arise from , directly or indirectly , KPMG 's engagement hereunder and/or the provision by KPMG of its services in connection with the Offer .
7 3 … if there are three adults working together , A and B can stay in role , C stays out of role , is able to focus the attention of the children , to reflect and summarise with them , and to give colleagues useful feedback both on the drama itself and on teaching techniques .
8 The offeror must also consider the impact of the consideration to be offered on both itself and on the structure of the takeover .
9 The physical violence on herself and on their baby son was vividly described .
10 The bathroom and the lavatory were the only places where I could be myself and on my Own .
11 The next three chapters concentrate on interviews with users themselves and on establishing the extent to which our agency surveys , which define the known sector of drug use , underestimate the overall prevalence of drug taking in the community .
12 Additionally , the nurses can be given responsibility for determining how they will allocate the hours between themselves and on which days they will report for duty .
13 It is also empowering for groups who have long been powerless , downgraded , humiliated , patronised , deskilled and diminished to discover the strength of concerted action for themselves and on their own behalf .
14 Federal agents on May 4 raided the four major New York commodity exchanges and escorted four traders off the floor ; subpoenas were served on the exchanges themselves and on dozens of brokers and traders .
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