Example sentences of "[pn reflx] look at " in BNC.

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1 ‘ We 've also found ourselves looking at other aspects , like eldercare , which is increasingly becoming a problem for people who work .
2 If we examine what it is one participant is ready to see that other participants might read into a situation and what it is that will cause him to provide ritual remedies , followed by relief for these efforts , we find ourselves looking at the central moral traditions of Western culture .
3 For allowing ourselves to look at the report and find the actions , and not just the actions themselves .
4 The membrane broke open and he found himself looking at a little horse 's head lying upon a pair of stretched out forelegs , a perfect little head with shell-like curling nostrils and a narrow white blaze , and wet , flattened-down ears .
5 Delaney found himself looking at a cargo vessel with a very high superstructure three-quarters aft .
6 ‘ Good luck , ’ he called , and found himself looking at Nell .
7 To his amazement he found himself looking at Tina .
8 Peter opened one at random and found himself looking at a photograph of Kate .
9 Huy found himself looking at the man 's lips alone , and the spittle switching from one to the other , in horrified fascination and to the exclusion of everything else .
10 It was the first time he had loved a carpet , and now he found himself looking at carpets in shop windows .
11 Lewis found himself looking at three puzzled faces .
12 Lewis found himself looking at the back page of The Oxford Times which lay on the desk .
13 He could not bring himself to look at her .
14 It was there , about two weeks later , when he forced himself to look at Isobel 's correspondence , that he found the letter from her gynaecologist , with the recommendations she had requested regarding maternity clinics .
15 For the past weeks Edouard had had to force himself to look at newspapers : all he saw there when he opened them was confirmation and repetition : accident , sickness , violence and sudden death , handed out evenly to the guilty and the innocent .
16 Francis forced himself to look at the screens again , and he could see that there were less of the winged creatures flitting among the struts and cables .
17 Guy pushed the image of innocent vulnerability out of his mind and forced himself to look at Isabel objectively .
18 John was confident enough then to leave Flynn to it and to go off himself to look at the proposed routes of the Waterford & limerick and the Waterford & kilkenny lines , both of which had been authorized by Parliament last year but neither of which had yet gone to tender .
19 Charlie found that he could n't get himself to look at them , although he was still able to see from their reflection in the mirror behind the bar that they were deep in conversation .
20 Now she was praying that her idea was wrong , that she would find herself looking at someone totally unfamiliar .
21 Leaning away slightly as Ibn Fayoud enveloped her in his gowns and aftershave , Kelly found herself looking at a smiling Annie .
22 Beth shuffled her feet in the awkward silence and found herself looking at the second man more closely .
23 Luke was standing outside on the balcony , and once again she found herself looking at his back .
24 When her lashes lifted she found herself looking at a name .
25 Drawing it out , she found herself looking at a face which was striking both for its good looks and its expression of surprise .
26 She found herself looking at his mouth , and remembering .
27 She forced herself to look at them ; let them surround her .
28 She forced herself to look at him .
29 For a moment Luke still stood there as if he intended to say more , but Merrill could n't bring herself to look at him .
30 ‘ I could n't see much wrong with him , ’ Jenna answered , forcing herself to look at him .
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