Example sentences of "[pn reflx] in [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Then , suddenly , we found ourselves in brilliant sunshine at the southern outskirts of the city , at the foot of the pre-Alps , where the River Adige emerges into the plain .
2 You know , find things to do to occupy ourselves in other ways .
3 With our increasing clarity of the racism we faced daily , we made tentative overtures to involve ourselves in Black women 's activities .
4 In a review essay written two years before ‘ Pornography and Obscenity ’ , Lawrence attacks the way we have ( allegedly ) come to think of ourselves in modern civilization .
5 If we think those ancient people were silly , we should look to ourselves in modern times .
6 The fright we 've given ourselves in recent months will have done us some good if it helps us adjust society back in the direction of common purposes and co-operative disciplines .
7 ‘ Spotty backs are caused when grease glands become blocked as we wrap ourselves in man-made fibres that inhibit air circulation .
8 We organise ourselves in different schools of studies .
9 For example , when we speak we tend to express ourselves in short sentences — more " full stops ’ — but in the written language the same ideas are more usually expressed in longer sentences — more commas — and the style and the choice of words will not always be the same .
10 Let's face it , we live with our negative parts and generally we may beat ourselves in public .
11 In fact , one of the reasons God is so concerned that we do not involve ourselves in premarital and extramarital relations is so that we will never feel we are competing against the skill and ability of another lover .
12 ‘ It draws all the Gentlemen to it whenever they are within , especially after Dinner , so that my Br Fanny & I have the Library to ourselves in delightful quiet . ’
13 And one of the things we must n't do , in fact , is to assume that erm our seventeenth ancestor is just ourselves in funny clothes .
14 PLOT : young idealist , adventurer , absconds from school in Sainte-Agathe , finds himself in mysterious domain with crumbling château where a wedding party ( organized by children ) is under way .
15 Could he not withdraw the promise on finding himself in straitened circumstances , or on falling out with P , or because she had married a wealthy man ? suppose then that D's promise is to pay the money ’ so long as you remain unmarried . ’
16 Inside where nothing shows , I am the essence of a man spinning double-headed coins , and betting against himself in private atonement for an unremembered past .
17 The court said that the conclusion the arbitrator had come to could only have been reached by in effect giving evidence to himself in flat contradiction to the evidence given by the applicants ' expert witness , and the arbitrator was guilty of misconduct in failing to observe the rules of natural justice .
18 Whereas Maurice was always reluctant to involve himself in practical agitation and action , Ludlow was a concrete thinker who was never satisfied until ideals received some sort of institutional expression .
19 There I found the author of Hit Me with Your Rhythm Stick sipping mineral water , tapping a hand-drum and singing to himself in 17th-century verse .
20 The relation of Foucault 's politics to history leads to the question of the tactical use of Foucault himself in current forms of criticism ; in addition to his extensive use by historians and sociologists , he is also associated with those movements that have become known as ‘ new historicism ’ and ‘ cultural materialism ’ .
21 He fed her this first taste of himself in absolute confidence that she would accept it , and an anguished sound came from deep in Maria 's throat as she accommodated him , mindlessly obedient to the command of his mouth .
22 It is still with a sense of amazement at the flights of human inanity that Ruth Michaelis relates the experience of her brother Martin , who found himself in serious trouble with his foster family :
23 Even today , with the growth of computers in every branch of business , it is rare to find a computer man who can explain himself in simple English .
24 He is a lion in war but a panther in fickleness and inconstancy , changing his word and promise , cloaking himself in pleasant speech .
25 When he had received news that morning from Teheran via Geneva that the ship he had chartered had gone missing , he indulged himself in genuine anger .
26 Every morning , Mandru liked to indulge himself in religious spectacle , although the Ixmaritians all doubted whether this was inspired by faith and devotion .
27 Another partner , Mr Tim Haggie , has distinguished himself in sporting circles .
28 I do not feel that any harm will come to those people who experience spontaneous regression in such a way , as any group involved in the higher levels of meditation should be under the control of a qualified and experienced teacher or leader who will be on hand to control the situation and to help should the pupil find himself in emotional difficulty .
29 He did five himself in Long Kesh in the early seventies for planting a bomb .
30 He did what he could to motivate himself in adverse circumstances , but finally decided he would be better off racing on his own .
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