Example sentences of "[pn reflx] [to-vb] the " in BNC.

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1 We have committed ourselves to increase the programme on school buildings by 16 per cent .
2 Simple lies we tell ourselves to hide the truth . ’
3 On several later occasions we returned to the pool , and tried ourselves to attract the eels with rice from both above and beneath the water .
4 We also , with him , dedicate ourselves to serve the King of Kings .
5 MANY of us were brought up on stories of great inventors and individualistic engineers , and have since had to reeducate ourselves to understand the development of science and technology as a social process , or even to believe that inventions are ‘ socially constructed ’ .
6 We commit ourselves to maximise the potential of communication in the task of nation-building and the Church 's mission .
7 It is entirely clear from the documents in front of us in the treaty that we are enabling ourselves to have the option to opt in .
8 As I have already said , we have pledged ourselves to maintain the pension 's real value .
9 But we do pledge ourselves to undertake the task with energy and determination , confident that in the full-time life of our Parliament we can make a great advance in industrial prosperity .
10 I do n't say this is totally going to crack rural crime but anything we can do to help ourselves to bring the numbers of criomes down , it 's always going to help .
11 Leopold 's tragedy was that of a parent whose cherished child spurns his advice in adolescent rebellion ; but , unlike , for example , Alessandro Scarlatti , another musician father with a son more brilliant than himself , Leopold could never quite bring himself to untie the emotional leashes and allow his own ‘ young eagle whose wings are grown ’ to find his own way in the world .
12 and then wrote himself a note to remind himself to untie the blooming thing .
13 Moreover since he did not wish to have preying on his mind any malice or grudge by reason of which his father might later be offended , he revealed that he had pledged himself to support the barons of Aquitaine against his brother Richard and said that he had done this because Richard had fortified the castle of Clairvaux though it really belonged to the Angevin patrimony which he should inherit from his father . "
14 He set himself to heal the rifts in the party , and apparently succeeded , not only because Labour politicians are hungry for office but also because of his position of centrality , born and bred in the Labour movement .
15 Although Buchanan committed himself to continue the fight , he accepted that only " celestial intervention " could prevent Bush from securing the nomination .
16 He took it upon himself to promote the idea of having a noble building for an Institute in Glasgow , and in this he was ably supported by brothers James and Edwin Docharty , sons of a famous Scottish painter , and a number of other deaf people of exceptional ability .
17 He forced himself to search the wardrobe , the chests full of her clothes .
18 Lung cancer victim Roy could not bring himself to shake the hand of the former Prime Minister , who is said to earn £550,000 as a consultant for US tobacco giant Philip Morris .
19 He had tried several times at a local shooting range but he could n't bring himself to pull the trigger .
20 He prepared himself to meet the Mahatma on the basis of ‘ personal appeal and conviction ’ , taking to heart the advice of V.S.S. Sastri , who was acting as intermediary , that Gandhi was ‘ like a woman ; you have got to win him ; therefore before you see him , perform all your ablutions , say all your prayers and put on your deepest spiritual robes ’ .
21 The fourth book featured a scene in which a man planned to write a letter to his Father and Mother telling them of his new-found happiness , but he never could bring himself to write the letter .
22 More intimate and relaxed than synagogue services — whoever felt inclined could take it on himself to lead the responses — these minyanim were held in the front rooms of the tiny houses and anyone passing along the street at the time would be assailed by a chorus of incantations like the sound of bees swarming in a hive .
23 So taken by the Cardus pictures in words , Simon took it upon himself to visit the famous school and ‘ the most beautiful playing fields in the world . ’
24 So taken by the Cardus pictures in words , Simon took it upon himself to visit the famous school and ‘ the most beautiful playing fields in the world . ’
25 For two months , while the fighting swayed back and forth overseas , Bishop Hrolf , released by the same storms from sentinel duty in the islands , took it upon himself to oversee the defences of the more vulnerable parts of the mainland .
26 Jesus believed it statements , endorsed its teaching , obeyed its commands , and set himself to fulfil the pattern of redemption which it laid down .
27 And eventually the judge took it upon himself to discharge the jury .
28 Veteran actor Sir John did not have a suitable photograph of himself to adorn the cover of Backward Glances , the concluding volume of an autobiographical trilogy begun in 1939 and due for paperback publication in the New Year .
29 They saw his body in the moat , where he had thrown himself to escape the mob .
30 Since he has only an option and does not legally commit himself to buy the goods , the contract is not one of sale , Helby v. Matthews ( 1895 H.L. ) .
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