Example sentences of "[pn reflx] [adv] [to-vb] " in BNC.

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1 We are unable to love ourselves enough to allow for weakness .
2 But if we were gods , and immortal , and could sit ourselves comfortably to watch the years slide by , with a magnetic compass conveniently to hand next to the ambrosia and nectar , we 'd see something extraordinarily interesting .
3 Some degree of shared morality is essential to this minimum of cohesion , and any weakening of moral belief may reduce it below this minimum ; hence we can not bind ourselves not to use the law to safeguard existing moral beliefs , no matter how peripheral they may appear to be .
4 We needed to do it ourselves partly to save money .
5 Men , men , mentioned here by our friend , that Leicestershire has got no business to discuss about fox hunting , we are not elusive , there are other county councils who have banned fox hunting on their land , so do not make this as a sacrosanct and or something that Leicestershire are doing , they are not doing first , there are so many other county councils in this country and for your information , I was listening to radio four few days ago , even in Pakistan , a third world country , is banning hunting in their country , we should be ashamed of ourselves here to discuss , I agree with Councillor when the discussion start and he said move for the ward , because the logical thing was to move for the wards rather than discuss , if we all believe that this is horrible , acrimonious and abhorrent in today 's day and age , as the slavery was abhorred two hundred years ago .
6 We therefore weighing with ourselves how to prevent the endeavours of such wicked persons … thought necessary to disunite and dissociate the Apothecaries of our City of London from the Freedom of the Mystery of Grocers … into one body Corporate and politic … to whom in all future time the management of those inconveniences might be given charge and committee … after the manner of other Companies .
7 When we stopped and slowly turned , with our bulging eyes in place , the gang scattered with such blood-curdling screams that we wondered if we had n't overdone it , and felt sufficiently ashamed of ourselves never to use the eyes again .
8 The massacres would not be right from his viewpoint and wrong from theirs , he would be objectively right to kill and they to resist being killed ; the parallel would be to two contenders for a job both being right to apply in the eyes of all , not to each thinking himself right to apply and the other wrong .
9 Thus he trains himself eventually to tackle larger problems and to gain insight into the underlying principles by which these limits may be synthesized .
10 He roused himself wearily to exchange greetings with the elders as they passed him , and went in to his foster-father .
11 I think that he was pulling himself down to touch the pit of his character .
12 They had all been inhibited from plain speaking by the lavish hospitality , the fresh scampi with avocado had been too ‘ mucked about ’ for her taste , while that dreadful black man had insisted on telling her all about his times in and out of the ring with ‘ Big Frank ’ ( ‘ a lovely suit of clothes ’ ) , interrupting himself only to raise his glass of pink wine to Sir Ralph who had , in his opinion , ‘ done us proud ’ .
13 The dragonrider forgot himself enough to nod , and came within a quarter-inch of cutting his own throat .
14 For a moment I thought he was going to get back to the DIY metaphor and start to try to get them to see me as undercoat or Jesus Christ as primer , but , instead , he recovered himself enough to say , ‘ Great News ! ’
15 Only on his way home at lunchtime did he at last rouse himself enough to make a detour , and stop by at his brother 's apartment and invite Franco to come home with him for lunch .
16 But somehow Leconte pulled himself together to take the second set and the decider became a rout .
17 Colonel Windsor refilled it , and Tubby took a large swallow before gathering himself together to reply .
18 The door was flung open before Rincewind could collect himself sufficiently to make a dash for the window .
19 Then one remembered himself sufficiently to raise his crossbow and fire .
20 Mick Gooding found himself completely unmarked ten yards out , but the ever-alert Prudhoe spread himself brilliantly to block his shot .
21 Boyd 's cross was taken on the volley by Ferguson as he deliberately launched himself backwards to make room for a full-blooded shot .
22 More importantly , he was not tonsured : Lothar , perhaps moved by the obligations of a godfather , could not bring himself thus to exclude Charles from the ranks of the throneworthy .
23 The notion of a tenancy from year to year , the lessor binding himself not to give notice to quit , which was once thrown out by Lord Mansfield , has been long exploded .
24 The notion of a tenancy from year to year , the landlord binding himself not to give notice to quit , which was once rejected by Lord Mansfield and exploded long before 1807 according to Lawrence J. in Doe d .
25 ‘ Which came first ? ’ he asked , exerting himself not to sound too eager for the answer .
26 A surgeon who immediately welcomed news of chloroform could reasonably claim always to have been aware of the pain although he had disciplined himself not to heed it .
27 Ricky had to steel himself not to take her in his arms , but he would have been putting a match to a petrol-soaked bonfire , and he did n't want to hate himself any more than he did already .
28 An eminent psychologist has remarked that a man in a mood is almost as if in the grip of a small psychosis , and can find himself helpless in the face of it , unless he has trained himself not to identify with it too strongly .
29 He had employed two extra assistants to keep the flies at bay , and he found he had to force himself not to hurry his craft , not to cut corners .
30 Feeling quite ill and willing himself not to look down , he stretched up and found that he could just reach the circular window .
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