Example sentences of "[adj -er] [noun] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Neither the RFA nor the Astronomer links the rebellion of Louis 's elder sons in 830 with fraternal hostility to their half-brother 's " promotion " .
2 It could also help towards healthier generations in the future .
3 I was ( I think you will understand ) initially dubious about a single 10″ driver in such a small box really delivering the goods ( especially with the lower notes on my 5-string ) but was certainly intrigued by the cabinet design , so I was looking forward to giving the little beast some stick on a couple of gigs …
4 All settings up to about 8 ( out of 10 ) on the master volume elicit a clear , punchy tone , right down to the lower notes on my 5-string , and live it proved well able to compete with two rawk'n'rawl guitar players and a loud drum kit on an R&B pub gig .
5 The lower notes of a melody are usually placed at points of emotive decline .
6 There are also lower resorts with especially good snow records such as up-market Lech and Zurs in Austria and duty-free Livigno in Italy .
7 The multifactorial model tended to fit better when an intergenerational difference was included ( Z estimated at 0.05 , corresponding to a much lower heritability among parents ( ZH ) than among offspring ( H ) ) , but it was not significantly better ( χ 2 =3.28 , p=0.075 ) .
8 All I 'm trying to tell you is how my account of how we tell the truth explains this fact , which apparently simpler accounts of how we tell the truth do n't do .
9 To tone the face and chin even further , extend the lower teeth outside the upper set and hold .
10 Then extend the lower teeth outside the upper set and hold .
11 Extend the lower teeth outside the upper set and hold .
12 Extend the lower teeth outside the upper set and hold .
13 Extend the lower teeth outside the upper set and hold .
14 Extend the lower teeth outside your upper set and hold .
15 Extend the lower teeth outside the upper set and hold .
16 The numbers of teeth involved are often quite small , and where there is a major discrepancy between the digestion of the upper and lower teeth in columns 9 and 10 of Table 3.13 , reference to the actual numbers involved show them to be very small indeed , sometimes no more than one ( columns 7 and 8 ) .
17 His classification into personal and projected play represents a hierarchy of abstraction ; dramatic activities using oneself as the medium of expression standing at a lower level on the table of abstraction than dramatic activities using media other than oneself .
18 Cultivation extends to about 600m , ending at a lower level on the colder north side of the island .
19 It they had been right , matrilineal society would tend to have a lower level of technological development while patrilineal societies would have a higher level .
20 It wants a reduction in diesel fuel duty plus a lower level of road tax on diesel cars .
21 While this downswing will not be as sharp as the previous downturn ( in 1979-81 ) , not least given the very much lower level of inflation that we now have , a dull 1989 is bound to be followed by a difficult 1990 . ’
22 The amount of detrital material determines the lower level of TL dating of calcite .
23 However , since it is ‘ not an easy distinction for the police , magistrates and juries to have to make ’ , no attempt should be made to draw such a legal distinction at the lower level of ‘ injury ’ offences .
24 Black and Asian people were even more notable by their absence ; there was one black judge among the circuit judges and , at the lower level of the judiciary , five among the 703 recorders .
25 The lock cut seemed to last for ever , narrowing though , with high dark trees on the left ; finally , blessedly , on the right , there were moorings for boats wanting passage through the lock to the lower level of the river below .
26 This prompted a question on the place in Britain of a lower level of Capital Transfer Tax if the farm were passed on to the son at a much earlier age ?
27 For example , in Brazil , peripheral capitalist development is responsible not only for a lower level of participation of women in agriculture but also a lower level of integration of women in urban development .
28 For example , in Brazil , peripheral capitalist development is responsible not only for a lower level of participation of women in agriculture but also a lower level of integration of women in urban development .
29 The considerable increases in the Labour vote in Knowsley and Tameside do , however , have to be seen alongside a lower level of party competition .
30 The share of total energy usage accounted for by nuclear power will rise from 4% to 7% , a far lower level of increase than might have been achieved but for the Three Mile Island incident .
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