Example sentences of "[Wh pn] on [art] " in BNC.

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1 The problem was finally solved by fixing a wire to my ankle and running it under the rock to an aqualunged diver , who on a signal from Stuart would tug on the wire and pull me down with the speed of an express lift , and would let go when my face turned blue .
2 To me , who on a good day just about understood that there was no danger of the water 's getting into the wiring system and fusing everything or worse , and was amazed that the record-player did n't run erratically , the whole set-up was a major miracle .
3 In other respects it may in principle result in conduct which is wealth reducing overall , as where a company retains employees who on a strict cost/benefit analysis would be made redundant .
4 This was a move forward for one young man , who on the first meeting called Philip ‘ The grey haired old GIT . ’
5 The major objective of the whole project was to examine this question , and it is clearly of great relevance , not only to dementia sufferers and their carers , who on the whole are known to prefer the sufferer to remain at home ( see Levin , 1983 ) but also to service-providers and policymakers anxious to explore the extent to which the pressure towards community care can be implemented in practice .
6 It is interesting that doctors and nurses , who on the whole prefer to remain apolitical , have become actively engaged in this campaign .
7 Who on the allied side was the equal of any one of them ?
8 MPs who on the whole tend to be rather casual about going to meetings organised for their benefit by pressure groups tend to go to the nuclear forum , because it is always well-structured and organised , and because they can then say to constituents who work in either the nuclear industry or the nuclear supply industry that they have been , and still are , taking an interest in the decisions that affect those particular electors .
9 Few people are aware how men , who on the whole are more socially , economically , politically , and physically powerful than women , use these resources frequently to batter wives and cohabitees ( Dobash and Dobash 1981 ) , sexually harass their female ( usually subordinate ) co-workers , or assault/rape any woman who happens to be in the way ( see Chapter 4 ) .
10 Bastian , the independent scholar/dealer , who organised the show together with another independent curator , Werner Spies , says that he is most pleased with the reaction of an old couple from Dresden , who on the first day said that they had been longing to see Picasso 's work for forty years .
11 Economic support of all kinds seems to be much more significant of middle-class kin groups , who on the whole have more to share and use that capacity in a distinctive way to enable family members , especially the younger generations , to maintain a suitable style and standard of living .
12 The person covered by the Plan is the person named on the Personal Loan Agreement Form , who on the date of agreement must be : • less than 65 years of age • actively in permanent and gainful employment ( including self-employment ) of not less than 16 hours a week , and not absent due to sickness or injury .
13 The person covered by the Plan is the person named on the Midland FlexiLoan Agreement Form who on the date of the Agreement must be : aged 18 or over but less than 65 , actively in permanent and gainful employment ( including self-employment ) of not less than 16 hours a week , and not absent due to sickness or injury .
14 The person covered by the Plan is the person named on the Car Loan agreement Form , who on the date of the agreement must be : - less than 65 years of age actively in permanent and gainful employment ( including self-employment ) of not less than 16 hours a week .
15 The person covered by the Plan is the person named on the Home Management Account Application Form , who on the date the Application is made must be : less than 65 years of age actively in permanent and gainful employment ( including self-employment ) of not less than 16 hours a week , and not absent due to sickness or injury .
16 There was as well , similar but a whole step in advance , the why-dun-it , the book which depends for its interest on showing that someone who could easily enough have committed a certain murder but who on the face of it was incapable of that particular crime ( i.e. one who had J. C. Masterman 's aces of spades , hearts and diamonds but apparently not clubs ) is nevertheless seen eventually to be psychologically capable of that crime after all , once probed deeply enough .
17 . And i the the lady who runs the personnel department , it 's her husband who on the ship .
18 This was the Orontea of Pietro ( Antonio ) Cesti ( 1623–69 ) , a newcomer to Venice who on the strength of this work alone was described by Salvator Rosa shortly afterwards as ‘ now the glory and splendour of the secular stage ’ .
19 Who 's who on the AEA Board
20 Through a second marriage it passed to William Baker who on the death of his son in 1775 is registered as of this parish i.e. Upper Hailing .
21 Office workers who on the first day possible in the early year had rushed out in their lunch hour to cover any patch of grass with bare legs and arms , floral patterns and jackets , as if some strange immediate growth had been brought out by the sun , to die back in the early afternoon , had by now got the habit of staying in the dark bowels of buildings when they could .
22 This was because of the number of concessions made by the Minister , who on the whole gave a sympathetic response to many of the concerns expressed by members .
23 President Mouawad was assassinated 17 days later and was succeeded on Nov. 24 by Elias Hrawi , who on the following day formed a new government .
24 On April 2 Bradley , who on the previous day had established his own committee of inquiry into the case , finally demanded the resignation of Gates , but was immediately rebuffed by the police chief .
25 I believe in Jesus Christ , Born of a common woman , Who was ridiculed , disfigured and executed , Who on the third day rose and fought back ; He storms the highest councils , Where he overturns the iron rule of injustice .
26 The settling blow was delivered by Archbishop Garbett , whom on the Friday Ramsey went to see at York .
27 Indeed , had he told me where he went and with whom on the evenings he spent away from the attic , I should have felt less vulnerable : it was secrecy itself I found hostile .
28 If name is cleared note date of clearance and by whom on the ABN enquiry form and request a confidentiality letter from the firm making the enquiry .
29 The red herring of who did what to whom on the NHS has dominated the media when important issues like devolution , the reform of the House of Lords and our contribution ( political and monetary ) to the EC are ignored .
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