Example sentences of "[ex0] [be] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 Only with regard to the first has there been even limited success .
2 Had there been no — and certainly no just-arrived audience — It would have been utterly lovely to have taken the phone and settled down for a chat , to be inspired and encouraged as always by the love you offer your friends and by your own zest for life physical and things spiritual .
3 Nor has there been sufficiently critical evaluation of programmes to screen for some diseases , he believes .
4 Hitherto such emphasis and recognition have not been current , nor , I believe , has there been sufficiently widespread recognition of the need to spread the information we have to those who should use it — it may therefore be appropriate to end this chapter with a few rude questions .
5 Had there been only one man in the carriage with the woman the explanation would have been obvious .
6 Never before had there been so savage a fiscal squeeze ; not since the thirties had there been a comparable increase in unemployment , now approaching 3 million .
7 Not since Harold Wilson prattled on about the white heat of the technological revolution — or some similar meaningless platitude — and launched Concorde , has there been so much talk about innovation and our intellectual heritage .
9 ‘ Never has there been so great a need for the talented people universities can provide and nurture , ’ he says .
10 Never before has there been so much concern with health or so much fear about health .
11 Why does nobody why 's there been so many accidents involving
12 Had there been more ?
13 Have n't there been more interchangeable men/women roles on those ?
14 Never before had there been as many as nine of his members in a Masters field and every one of them made the cut .
15 ‘ Look here , Stevens , have there been any — well — signs at all ?
16 ‘ Have there been any — ’ She broke off when it dawned on her that Jimmy was staring at her .
17 But then how many films have there been about two World Wars ?
18 There are normally two volumes on display in the Long Room , one opened at a completely illuminated page and the other showing pages of text .
19 Then within the team 's , in the Policy Team there were three Policy Development Officer 's , in the Neighbourhood Development Team there were two Development Officer 's and in the Community Development Team there are one , two , there are well there are normally six officer 's that you could I that you could identify , but there are other people that relate to them , but then it gets a bit complicated so were keep it at that .
20 There are normally three phragmata associated with the intersegmentalia between the pro- , mesa and metathorax and the 1st abdominal segment , but owing to the varied transpositions of the intersegmental sclerites ( p. 43 ) the relations of the phragmata to the definitive segmentation differ in different groups of insects .
21 The two sets of chromosomes are contributed by the two parents of the new being ; there are normally 23 pairs — 22 like pairs and one pair which , although coming from the two parents , may differ .
22 The process of admissions also varies , not only from one course to another , but between younger and older students , and from one institution to another : for example , the Open University is ‘ open ’ in terms of admissions , and there are normally special regulations relating to mature students ( on undergraduate courses , typically but not always those aged over 21 on entry ) .
23 There are normally several senior mathematicians visiting the department from overseas .
24 There are broadly three ways of reducing mankind 's output of carbon dioxide .
25 There are broadly four key areas to become familiar with when dealing in statistics and then there are some specific techniques you can profitably learn .
26 As I have already indicated , there are broadly speaking two kinds of insight of potential relevance to language teaching which we might expect linguistics to provide .
27 As we saw , there are broadly two schools of Marxist thought — those which rely on an instrumental view of the state-economy relationship and those of a structuralist type , which allow for a degree of freedom for the state and discuss power in terms of hegemony and control .
28 There are broadly speaking , two methods in which the design consultant is employed :
29 As Robyn Penrose is winding up her lecture , and Vic Wilcox is commencing his tour of the machine shop , Philip Swallow returns from a rather tiresome meeting of the Arts Faculty Postgraduate Studies Committee ( which wrangled for two hours about the proposed revision of a clause in the PhD regulations and then voted to leave it unchanged , an expenditure of time that seemed all the more vain since there are scarcely any new candidates for the PhD in arts subjects anyway these days ) to find a rather disturbing message from the Vice-Chancellor 's office .
30 There are scarcely monitored nor integrated into a national conservation plan .
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