Example sentences of "[been] made the " in BNC.

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1 Van Gogh 's life has so often been made the subject of literary treatment that the art historian is strongly inclined to leave the biographical matter severely alone and concentrate exclusively on the artistic aspect .
2 Fifteen separate routes have been made the responsibility of managers whose chief aim is to satisfy their customers .
3 Even if you have been made the target of naked literary abuse , it will make satisfying reading when you play your first sell-out show at Wembley !
4 Foreman , 43 , has been made the overwhelming favourite to earn his 26th win since he began his unlikely comeback five years ago .
5 Many , if not most , good teachers are suffering from fatigue and innovation stress ; almost all teachers in state schools are profoundly resentful at the way that they and their schools have been made the scapegoats for the ills of society .
6 I have been made the Cultural Counsellor of the Italian Embassy , for example .
7 Jonathan Phiri has been made the Acting Director of the Africa Literature Centre in Kitwe , Zambia .
8 Instead , there has been a pressure for community homes for education for young black people who have been made the subject of care orders because of their offending .
9 Secondly , the presumption behind such an approach is that once the characterisation has been made the content of natural justice is fixed and certain : all administrative matters would be subject to the same rules , as would all judicial or quasi-judicial .
10 This was certainly not necessary for the decision of the case ; but though the resolution of the Court of Common Pleas was only a dictum , it seems to me clear that Lord Coke deliberately adopted the dictum , and the great weight of his authority makes it necessary to be cautious before saying that what he deliberately adopted as law was a mistake , and though I can not find that in any subsequent case this dictum has been made the ground of the decision , except in Fitch v. Sutton ( 1804 ) 5 East 230 , as to which I shall make some remarks later , and in Down v. Hatcher ( 1839 ) 10 Ad. & El .
11 If a child has been made the subject of a supervision requirement following a referral to a children 's hearing on an offence ground , and that supervision requirement has been terminated and the child reappears before another children 's hearing , the main factors that the later hearing will need to consider to perform their statutory functions are why the child appeared before a children 's hearing , the reasons for that hearing 's disposal and , most particularly , the child 's response to the disposal ; in short , a children 's hearing would want to know the very things section 4 appears to prevent it ascertaining .
12 Whenever a preliminary selection has been made the student should be encouraged to consider the feasibility of the topic in terms of the resource implications and other constraints .
13 As we will see ( see para 6.3.4 below ) , after an approach has been made the obligation to make an announcement falls primarily on the target .
14 After an announcement of a firm intention to make an offer has been made the offeror must , except with the consent of the Panel , proceed with the posting of the offer document ( which must occur within 28 days ) unless the posting is subject to a specific pre-condition which has not been satisfied ( Rules 2.7 and 30.1 ) .
15 She realised , wearily , almost too tired to care , that she had just been made the butt of a joke .
16 This is where the swans have been spending the regatta — at Egham just off the M25 in Surrey — it 's just been made the national swan sanctuary and has around 100 birds at any one time .
17 Slaven claimed he had been made the scapegoat and vowed to blast Boro to promotion given the chance .
18 We felt pretty helpless in the train , as we did not know whether any arrangements had been made to meet us at Canton , but at the station we were welcomed by a Min. of Education official , together with a teacher-interpreter from Canton university , who surprised us with his urbane manner , excellent English , and his knowledge that David Owen had just been made the substantive Foreign Secretary to replace Anthony Crossland ( and that , incidentally , is about the last news we have heard about affairs in the U.K. ! ) .
19 After World War two , a lot of people hoped that the we 'll call them the less agreeable characteristics of the German mind , would be changed by the traumatic experiences of the second total defeat in twenty years , physical destruction , national humiliation , embarrassment at having been made the collaborators of nazism and so on .
20 It seems fairly clear , for example , that in domestic animals macro mutations of this kind have quite often been made the basis of new breeds of dogs or of cattle and things of that kind .
21 Bobby Vinton 's ‘ Blue Velvet ’ is this week 's network chart number one ; he has n't had a hit since the nineteen sixties , and when he was told of his success in America , he thought he 'd been made the victim of a Jeremy Beadle style prank .
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