Example sentences of "[been] a very " in BNC.

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1 It had been a very different story with the earlier sell-off of the hotels where the managers ' interest had not been shown proper respect .
2 Kelly , who has won this race three times , said : ‘ It has been a very long and hard season for me , and I feel very tired .
3 The board had considered the chairman 's position seriously , he said , and decided ‘ it would have been a very foolish thing to ask him to step down ’ .
4 He denied angrily that he had ever sought compensation of up to £1m ‘ although this has been a very expensive operation ’ , adding : ‘ I could have proceeded had I been totally selfish for there were several options on the table , financially very attractive . ’
5 THIS HAS been a very good week for fishermen and a very bad week for Findus , Bird 's Eye and all the other producers of frozen peas and pizzas .
6 The author of that book seems to me to have been a very sick man indeed . ’
7 It had been a very hot day and this was the first heat-stroke casualty .
8 THE ARUNDELLS of Cornwall must have been a very sophisticated family , for it is peculiar to find such a fancy façade of this date in such a distant corner of the land .
9 ‘ Angela must have been a very attractive girl , ’ he suggested , cautiously .
10 He had always been a very religious man , which had helped him a lot in the Corporation .
11 He had been a very successful amateur boxer , and sometimes would try to relieve our tension by sparring with me , teaching me basic moves of a sport I knew nothing about and instinctively detested .
12 Judith Longman at SPCK has been a very supportive and sensitive editor .
13 But if we had not been advancing properly — being there just ahead of the main party to iron out any difficulties — the result could have been a very serious error in terms of local coverage , with potentially unhappy consequences .
14 She must have been a very extraordinary artist to work with ?
15 At the time , he said : ‘ It has been a very difficult split .
16 Blake had been a very good agent and the KGB always looks after its own .
17 It would just have been possible to detour and commit the murder in Cross Street , but it would have been a very tight schedule indeed .
18 ‘ I am very sorry , ’ he said , ‘ but you must understand it has been a very long time …
19 Since then there has been a very slight reversal of this trend , but the proportions are projected to fall again by 2001 ( Social Trends 21 , 1991 ) .
20 The teds of the fifties had been replaced by the mods , who at first had been a very exclusive , almost secret , underground working class movement .
21 There 's been a very interesting episode of The Bill which is about wife battering and makes all kinds of progressive points that wife batterers are not , in fact , the sort of British lower-class people of the stereotype .
22 With her experience in the grant-aided sector , Karen Hamilton was able to choose to move into mainstream broadcasting and , on a personal level , it 's been a very positive experience for her .
23 Boston had been a very important port in medieval times , importing goods from the northern European ports .
24 But it had been a very close-run thing .
25 With the extra dimension of greater personal commitment by the author , it could have been a very good book indeed .
26 The glycosylated haemoglobin has been a very useful advance for the Type 2 patients with latently poor control .
27 It may have been a very naive discovery on my part , but that said something very definite to me about the way we live .
28 Also , the rain water has been a very weak acid because it links with carbon dioxide in the air .
29 Here I apologised to JTR and learned that he must have been a very tall man .
30 Michael has always been a very hard worker and has filled every minute of every day with activity .
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