Example sentences of "[been] for the " in BNC.

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1 Jaromil has discovered that writing can be what reading has familiarly been for the ordinary person : an escape , a shelter , a door to the alternative self .
2 Across the history of policing their need has always been for the light of research to illuminate the activities of the underprivileged and the powerless , rather than focus upon the élite themselves !
3 Most of them , perhaps , were doctors , government servants of one degree or another ; a few were farmers ( I can think of one , still remembered ) and some were just friends , as I myself have been for the Bakgatia and , I hope , for the whole new country of Botswana .
4 The complex of disparate elements comprising academic English was always unstable , though they might have stayed together longer if it had not been for the demands of the academic environment .
5 Will the Italian Abbado remain musical director of the Vienna State Opera where he has been for the past three years ?
6 If it had n't been for the Yeti , I 'd never have met Malcolm McLaren or Johnie Rotten .
7 It is worth restating how radical a leader Mrs Thatcher has been for the Conservative party .
8 Forgotten was the fearful nail-biting exercise Monaghan Day had always been for the whole house ; with distance it had become large , heroic , blood-mystical , something from which the impossible could be snatched .
9 In 1959 Rank claimed that ‘ Britain would now have a healthy industry and a very successful market ’ if it had not been for the insensitivity of the Department of Trade .
10 It 's Sir Ralph Halpern 's view that if it had n't been for the current worldwide recession , many more outside brands would have been introduced to the UK market .
11 ‘ It 's not a question of bringing them to more people — Emporio has never been for the poor — but of morals ; with the Nineties there comes a new thinking about how much it 's right to spend on clothes and I certainly go along with that . ’
12 In addition , the Rayner review of the service introduced not only cuts but a new philosophy that official figures , which previously had been for the service of the nation as a whole , were now to be tied far more closely to the requirements of the government of the day .
13 Had it not been for the Cold War , these expectations might have been realized .
14 If it had not been for the extraordinary resilience of Hitler 's Wehrmacht and the fortitude of the German people , it would have done so .
15 The Socialist Government might have survived the crisis had it not been for the internal rift within the Labour Party that was brought about by the Cabinet 's decision to impose charges for medical prescriptions to curb excessive waste in the newly established National Health Service .
16 Yet his criticism has not , by and large , been for the tabloid newspapers whose standards fell to new lows during the 1980s ; instead , he has reserved his bile for investigative journalists , particularly if they worked for television , and for those newspaper reporters who decided to boycott his lobby briefings .
17 Whether you think that dimension has been for the good of the game will probably depend on your nationality .
18 Perhaps if it had not been for the Shakoor Rana affair the TCCB might have handled this quietly and sensibly by issuing a non-committal statement and letting the fuss die down .
19 We agreed to have him for a fortnight but when the time came he refused to go , and would be with us yet if it had not been for the First World War and your father having to go …
20 Death rates had also declined , though not as sharply , and had it not been for the inward migration of population in the 1930s the decline in population growth would have been more marked .
21 Broadly , we may say that industry will have to be far less rigid ; indeed much more flexible in adapting itself to change than it has been for the past twenty years .
22 Owned by Raymond Guest and trained in Ireland by Vincent O'Brien , Sir Ivor came to Laurel Park as probably the best European challenger there had yet been for the Washington International .
23 There ought to be a space or an empty page or maybe even a change of typography to show that I have been for the past three and a half hours out in the streets or sitting full of thought on that gilded and trembling bridge over these lazy waters .
24 It is unlikely that anti-Semitism was as powerful in its motivational force for recruits in the Party 's ‘ mass phase ’ after 1929–30 as it had been for the early activist core of the NSDAP .
25 Even so , the number of those who believed that Hitler would have been one of the greatest German statesmen of all time had it not been for the war remained relatively high , though this figure too had fallen sharply ( from 48 per cent in 1955 to 32 per cent by 1967 ) .
26 They were bare and shabby and if it had not been for the pretty yellow cloths she had made for the tables and the yellow and orange cushions she had covered for the chairs and the blue vase full of roses she had asked Maria to place on the chest of drawers , then they would have been dismal indeed .
27 If it had not been for the shamelessness of it , Wilson felt she might have been sorely tempted to exploit this extraordinary advantage .
28 I might have travelled at almost eight thousand inches an hour if it had n't been for the stops .
29 Had it not been for the empty little bottle in the pocket of her skirt — which could so easily have been swept away by the waves — the fisherman 's description of the likely accident would have satisfied everyone .
30 The procedure would have been for the pilot to pull a handle , situated between his legs , which jettisoned the canopy while activating a rocket that fired his seat and that of his navigator clear of the plane .
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