Example sentences of "[Wh pn] [vb base] our " in BNC.

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1 Others who lack our inborn ethics would use it for evil ends .
2 " We " are those who live in this particular locality and whose ancestors have lived here since time immemorial , or " we " are those who derive their livelihood from this particular piece of ancestral ground , or " we " are those who raise our crops from a particular parcel of ancestral seed , annually renewed .
3 It occurred to me that so many of the people who influence our lives are people who have been unjustly treated .
4 But woe betide the Government , or the Members of this House , who sell our Parliament for a mess of European pottage .
5 Stephen wrote for " Voice of Vangmoor " : " Those who declare our moorland puts up a poor showing when it comes to wildlife , should contemplate some of the offerings of my ginger tomcat : fieldmice , a shrew and even a water vole . "
6 A royal letter to the people of Limoges c.1137 ended , ‘ You know that those who despise our orders lose our favour and incur our displeasure . ’
7 You are the people who make our work possible and I try to forge more tangible links between us .
8 Those of us who make our own way there have little conception of the anxiety this may induce , unless , perhaps , we have waited for bedpans in hospital .
9 There are two groups of men who make our laws .
10 When we begin to take the law into our own hands we become little better than those individuals who vandalise our homes and mug old ladies .
11 ‘ We must protect Japan against foreign intruders who rape our women and terrorise law-abiding Japanese , ’ screams a speaker of the Taikosha , a paramilitary group , outside a railway station .
12 There can be no doubt in anybody 's eyes that the failure of the H S E to enforce the law along with unscrupulous employers , exploiting low inspection rates , mean that the role played by G M B safety reps and those who provide our backup service , are more important than ever before .
13 We are constantly approached by people who want our help , and we respond in the best way we can .
14 People who put our message across , I 'm gon na finish before red light , here , people who 're gon na do the job for us in Parliament , showing the G M B is the number one union , and we 've got to make sure it 's right .
15 Uncomfortable feelings absorbed from those who seek our help ( and that includes simply offering a sympathetic ear ) , can linger for many hours or even days — unless we learn how to dissipate such feelings .
16 ‘ And maybe that makes it more conducive to all these women who let our female species down .
17 The men who walk our streets as community bobbies today are equipped and ready to take them by force tomorrow .
18 It is crucial that those who deserve our support and solidarity should not be disadvantaged . "
19 The Sports Council have to follow Government Policy and make everyone self financing and self sufficient you will no doubt read int he press and hear through the media about many similar cases , it is a case for grave concern and efforts will be made to seek the support of many people who applaud our type of work and so give the world of Movement and Dance the benefit of their experience and support .
20 Uncle Sam said : ‘ We are a family who enjoy our good times .
21 So have dozens of other climbers who adopt our community 's traditional response to an inadequately justified prohibition .
22 All customers who accept our estimates for complete rewires will have the option to purchase a security light at just £9.95 , which represents a saving of over £50 on the normal retail price .
23 The general public and those who watch our proceedings on television must wonder whether we are really fighting .
24 We also have to traipse round the neighbourhood on All Hallows Eve , calling on neighbours , who give our children sweets .
25 Even though I do not support the death penalty for most crimes , it will only be when the threat of death hangs over their heads that the thugs who attack our unarmed officers will think twice before they act .
26 ‘ Is it not the time when all those who have an interest in our industry should sit down and discuss our future together and try to get back to the situation where the industry controls and governs itself instead of allowing it to be manipulated by those who purchase our product ? ’ he asked about 200 delegates .
27 All of us who recall our dreams recognize that they come in two different categories .
28 Because the people who run our Overdrive offices are experienced , they know the legal constraints that abound in transport .
29 The Flashman incident may be the lowest point to which those who run our football clubs have descended but the shenanigans , admittedly not with fisticuffs as an accompaniment , are not confined to north London .
30 " This movement ( i.e. the new unionism ) , if it did not originate among the sailors and firemen who run our merchant marine , had its first really important manifestation among that body " .
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