Example sentences of "[Wh pn] [vb past] no " in BNC.

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1 Exclusive of absent freeholders there were twenty-six tenants at Slapton in 1548 , who are matched by thirty resident laymen in 1522 , four of whom owned no property of any description .
2 Morgan Grenfell amd Kleinwort Benson , each of whom played no role in the BAT bid , were also in the top 10 .
3 This novel seems , but only seems , but does seem insistently , to come from a man who knew nothing but was very opinionated , who checked no facts and guzzled rumour scraps , whose mind was uncouth , raggity , raucous , florid .
4 With her were daughters Beatrice , four , and Eugenie , two , who wasted no time in getting kitted out in matching silver ski suits .
5 Six minutes later , Shearer collected his fifth Coca-Coal goal of the campaign when a harmless looking corner from Jason Wilcox ricocheted off two bodies and fell nicely for Shearer , who wasted no time in sending the ball into the back of the net .
6 ‘ As my mother no longer had means to live , she died ; and I took myself off to the south in search of more sunshine and a master who asked no questions . ’
7 Faced by a prosecution concerned primarily with political advancement , confronted by intimidated witnesses who produced no convincing evidence , and his guilt attested by a jury of eleven Campbells and four others , James Stewart was sentenced to hang at Ballachulish ferry on 8 November 1752 .
8 But although this might be tenable for booming Babergh , it will not do for depressed Coventry where many masters were quite poor , and John Langwood ( craft unstated ) was not the only employer — in this case of an apprentice — who owned no goods worth assessing .
9 And not content with berating Strauss he must move on to Hofmannsthal-bashing — an all too familiar exercise by those who read no German and are unable to find themselves moved by this sensitive poet 's imaginings .
10 If tabloids had not existed , and all those who read Labour and Tory tabloids had behaved like those who read no paper regularly ( and depended exclusively on television for their news ) , then Labour would still have benefited from a 2 per cent swing .
11 A thief who sought no profit from his actions ? ’
12 The later restoration of Mothecombe was carried out by Sir Edwin Lutyens who made no material alterations to the original house but added a dining room at the back .
13 Senna , who made no contact with Mansell 's car , escaped unscathed from the incident , which may have seriously diminished Mansell 's hopes of a third successive season-opening triumph here this afternoon .
14 Trainer David Barons had no excuses for last year 's winner Seagram , who made no show and was pulled up before the third-last .
15 ‘ You can count me in , ’ said Merryfield , who made no bones about enjoying a drink .
16 Again the work was completed in Oxford , and was carried through by the leadership of a man who made no mistakes in seeking chemical collaboration or in letting matters drop for lack of it .
17 With Gary she enjoyed a relationship she had never experienced with anyone else — the easy-going friendship of a male who made no demands whatever on her — and it meant more to her than she had realised .
18 But those who received this education did so in the German language , and those who made no progress in German could proceed no further than elementary school .
19 One 109 closed with Watson who made no effort to evade , despite further calls from me .
20 However they did not eat significantly more chocolate or feel greater cravings than eaters who made no secret of their habit .
21 Anglo-Welsh was a relatively new consortium of previously independent regional breweries put together during the later 1970s by a shrewd and aggressive operator named K. Midas , who made no secret of his ambition to build it up until it rivalled the major national breweries .
22 Joseph Chamberlain as Chairman of the Local Government Board in 1885 was responsible for the Medical Relief ( Disqualifications Removal ) Act which removed the pauper stigma — disfranchisement — from inmates of Poor Law infirmaries who made no other demands on poor relief and increased both use of the infirmaries by respectable working people and their willingness as ratepayers to finance them .
23 a flush-faced man who made no sound
24 1.3. b ( v ) Institutions that listed their numbers of school- based inset days ranged from one College and two Polytechnics doing 40+ to 11 institutions doing no school-based work , and 12 who made no response to this question .
25 He had been Senior British Officer in command of the prisoners in the orphanage and he had received considerable help from the people of Fontanellato ; eventually he had been helped to reach Switzerland , Now , suddenly , a few months before the date we had settled on for our marriage , he began to worry about the idea of one of his officers ( who made no claims to any sort of upper-class lineage ) marrying the daughter of a village schoolmaster .
26 Station staff knew everyone worth knowing in the suburb apart from the few tradesmen who made no use of the railway for carriage of goods .
27 Piers Morrison was a dangerous stranger , one who made no effort to treat her with respect , far less subservience , and who had kissed her on the spur of the moment , then instantly regretted it because he basically did n't like her .
28 She had forgotten that her papa was supposed to be dead , and had spoken of him in the present tense , a fact not wasted on Dr Neil , who made no comment , but asked politely , ‘ And does all this stockmarket bargaining mean that you are going to make me a cup of tea , or not ?
29 Their most famous inhabitant had been a crazy man , a drunk , a painter , a man who made no secret of his liaison with a whore .
30 Her experience of men was limited to indifferent kisses from kind , sweet men who made no impact on her .
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