Example sentences of "[Wh pn] [vb past] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Inside the studio we were brought back sharply to reality by a studio audience , all of whom shared two characteristics .
2 Preparing the ‘ patchwork pieces ’ from remnants was an ideal occupation for her continuing band of outworkers ; Laura considered it an essential part of her duty to keep feeding these women , many of whom lived such isolated lives in the hills that they might go for days without talking to anyone .
3 Some rescues described were more bizarre than anything else , including the rescue of two men collecting bonsai trees in Dalness chasm , one of whom got stuck !
4 His restlessness permeated the entire house , and she felt guilty , certain that her presence was tying him to Gullholm , that if it were n't for her he would go home , or visit one or other of his sisters or his mother , all of whom made regular telephone calls .
5 The specimens he studied were collected mainly by J. Bennie and A. Macconochie , the official Fossil Collectors , both of whom made many significant discoveries during their careers .
6 He dodged between the startled shoppers , none of whom made any attempt to stop him .
7 About 70 per cent of new entrants were over twenty-one , half of whom lacked two A levels , and fewer than a quarter were school-leavers with these qualifications or their equivalent .
8 They had six sons , one of whom died young and four of whom became Anglican clergymen , and seven daughters .
9 One author cited his own thesis seven times , out of a total of 10 citations , and two authors cited themselves six times — one of whom provided all of his total citation count .
10 My father came from a peasant family in Berkshire , consisting of three sons and five daughters , all of whom entered some kind of domestic service , the women rising to responsible posts as head housemaids , housekeepers and parlourmaids .
11 Potential side effects were noted by 47 ( 2.2% ) patients , some of whom reported several symptoms concurrently .
12 We saw in Chapter 2 part of the process of " negotiating Creole " in a conversation between two British-born girls , one of whom used Creole extensively , the other only rarely and tokenistically .
13 Among the vice presidents were S Boulton , D Howard , W Knight , C Lyle , H Marten and Dr Messel , all of whom headed large local industries .
14 The final stages of the negotiations coincided with the presence of Michael Clapham as Chairman of the Council , and Edwin Kerr as Chief Officer , both of whom played influential parts in the process .
15 Our branch has just short of 100 members all of whom received 2 books of lottery tickets to sell by the end of July .
16 But in this , which he achieved by bold leaps and chromaticisms of melody and harmony , he was far surpassed by Saracini and Belli ( neither of whom composed polyphonic madrigals ) whose shock effects are comparable with Gesualdo 's of the same period ( see p. 267 ) , as in this passage from Belli 's ‘ Ardo ma non ardi ’ from his Libro dell' arie a I e 2 V. per sonarsi con il chitarrone ( Florence , 1616 ) : or the opening of Saracini 's ‘ Tu parti ’ from his sixth book of Musiche ( Venice , 1624 ) .
17 Coalbrookdale acted like a magnet on artists , most of whom painted romantic images of the iron bridge in its wooded valley setting , and the bridge itself was soon being promoted as a tourist attraction .
18 Its opponents included 105 Republicans led by the House Minority Whip , Newt Gingrich , most of whom opposed any increases in taxation , while the Democrats opposed cuts in benefits and services .
19 Despite Knox 's fulminations against ‘ that cruel tyrant and unmerciful hypocrite ’ , the archbishop of St Andrews , and the ‘ woman born to dissemble and deceive ’ , Mary of Guise , it was in fact an act quite out of character of both archbishop and regent , neither of whom showed any taste for persecution .
20 Kaifu also managed to resist pressure for the inclusion within the new Cabinet of LDP members who were tainted by the Recruit scandal , which meant the continued exclusion from office of faction leaders Michio Watanabe , Kiichi Miyazawa , and Shintaro Abe ( a former Prime Minister ) , each of whom wielded enormous influence within the party and was considered a potential Prime Minister .
21 Ajan , secretary general of the International Weightlifting Federation ( IWF ) , was reacting to coach Vasily Alexeyev who branded Belarussian Kurlovich a drug cheat in a newspaper interview last week .
22 One young representative , Colin Mason , a computer systems manager from Streatham , who branded environmental controls as ‘ socialism by the back door ’ , was gently advised by the Secretary of State to read the Tory philospher Edmund Burke .
23 Formal nursing courses reflect these concerns , but there is at present no mechanism for updating the knowledge of those who qualified some time ago .
24 Spain will also take part in the World Cup , at Sydney next May , after holding Japan , who qualified 24 hours earlier , to a 1-1 draw .
25 They had a daughter , who married Wilfrid Scawen Blunt [ q.v. ] , and two sons who succeeded each other as Baron Wentworth and second and third Earl of Lovelace .
26 The eventual confirmation of Thomas , who succeeded black justice Thurgood Marshall , meant that the nine-member Supreme Court would be without a single liberal member for the first time in its modern history .
27 When the bundle of clothes hit the ground it was the dog who realised first that there was something inside , also broken and crumpled , and after the dog came the children , who revolved round the heap , fascinated , until one noticed the blood and began to scream , and adults arrived to remove them from whatever it was that lay on the concrete .
28 This index was started by Herbarium staff , who scanned new journals and books coming in to the Library .
29 A nineteen-year-old Coventry woman who disowned any interest in feminism or politics — " I 'm just a fun girl , " — said she could never remember anybody talking about " the clitoris or orgasms ' .
30 Given the tension here was one of humiliation , that can be sufficient in itself to sustain the momentum , especially as this workhouse scene comes at a critical point in the sequence structure — for they have already in an earlier lesson experienced the well-intentioned caring of the ‘ lady ’ who housed these girls out of pity but was obliged to hand them over to the authorities .
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