Example sentences of "[Wh pn] [verb] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Nevertheless , there are now over 400 officially registered grape growers in England and Wales , most of whom make wine , and most in the South of England .
2 Also from a like-minded member of a large family , all of whom intend DIY funerals : ‘ I am one of eight children .
3 He and his wife had three sons , all of whom became railway engineers , and one daughter .
4 We have said goodbye to two cleaners from the Cornard site during the last few months — both of whom passed retirement age many moons ago !
5 In the absence of a substantive response , Congress is also expected to move to extend the visas of 40,000 Chinese students in the US , many of whom fear persecution should they return home .
6 On the other hand , this heterogeneity between risk groups might reflect the existence of constitutionally distinct subgroups within a population that has different forms of susceptibility to adenoma development : one with generalised and noticeable proliferative anomalies throughout the entire colonic epithelium that produce an increase tendency toward recidivism , and a second , less recidivant subgroup in whom polyp development is not preceded by the generalised pattern of hyperproliferation seen in the first group but by other types of alterations as yet unidentified .
7 The ‘ state ’ thus becomes literally a bone of contention between opposed interests , both of whom want control over it in order to decide what precisely its role shall be and in whose interest the market shall be managed .
8 A good English-language education was considered a necessity for their male children , some of whom entered government service or one of the professions .
9 Furthermore , the notion that it is only the left hemisphere that operates in a serial manner is not supported by the results of Gross ( 1972 ) , Niederbuhl and Springer ( 1979 ) and Polich ( 1980 ) all of whom found evidence of serial processing in both visual fields .
10 The organisation employs 13 employees , four of whom occupy management roles .
11 He used his handsome appearance to seduce an ogress who bore him three dreadful children , FENRIR the Wolf , the Midgard Snake and HEL , all of whom caused travail to the other gods .
12 Patients in our study fared better with NIPPV , and in the conventional treatment group ( 43% of whom received doxapram ) some patients had to switch to NIPPV .
13 You can join immediately ( enquire at the entrance to the Long Room or in the Library Shop ) , or write to the Treasurer , Friends of the Library , Trinity College , Dublin 2 , from whom further information is available .
14 Subject to the content of the replies received by the indicative offers deadline , the vendors will select a shortlist of interested parties to whom further information will be made available .
15 Accepting that qualification , I regard it as plain that the effect of an intervention notice cast in the terms which were here employed and which were reflected in a accompanying press release , must be most damaging to the authorised representative with whom further business is inhibited until ( if ever ) the notice is withdrawn .
16 Accepting that qualification , I regard it as plain that the effect of an intervention notice cast in the terms which were here employed and which were reflected in an accompanying press release , must be most damaging to the authorised representative with whom further business is prohibited until ( if ever ) the notice is withdrawn .
17 Parents , who have no right to prevent an assessment , must be informed of the LEA 's proposal to assess the child , given the name of an officer of the LEA from whom further advice may be obtained , and notified of the right to make representations ( orally or in writing ) within a minimum period of 29 days from service of notice by the LEA .
18 Then a smiling procession of medical staff presented themselves , each of whom told Elinor that if there was anything she wanted , she had only to ask .
19 In particular she did so for clients for whom support worker help was envisaged .
20 It was interpreted by most commentators as being indicative of the concern felt by members of the House ( all of whom faced re-election in November ) over the level of public anger arising from the enormous cost of the S&L rescue operation , currently estimated to have exceeded $88,000 million .
21 Much ill-feeling was vented out on former collaborators , many of whom faced summary execution before government authority was fully established .
22 The three , all of whom faced corruption allega-tions , were among the first victims of the newly elected government 's avowed determination to combat official malpractice .
23 The ‘ good ’ policemen and women know their area : the sites of trouble and danger , as Holdaway describes them ( 1983 : 39–42 ) , which need special attention , the places to avoid without having further back-up , the places where events and incidents have occurred in the past , the people on whom to focus attention , such as the ‘ troublesome families ’ in whom crime historically runs or the VIPs in the area who get special protective care .
24 The kind of information derived from Edward 's Gascon inquiry can best be illustrated by citing the declarations of two vassals , both of whom paid homage to him at Bordeaux on 19 March 1274 .
25 The vast majority of our land — mountains , moors , lakes and rivers — is owned by a handful of individuals , private and public companies , trusts and associations , most of whom seem hell bent if not on totally excluding , at least on severely restricting our freedom to roam .
26 The vast majority of our land — mountains , moors , lakes and rivers — is owned by a handful of individuals , private and public companies , trusts and associations , most of whom seem hell bent if not on totally excluding , at least on severely restricting our freedom to roam .
27 The active and sustained interest of chemists and teachers , many of whom read Chemistry in Britain , may be the only hope of preventing Cannizzaro 's advice from gathering dust into its second century .
28 Mr Ozberk is one of 18 Kurds still detained at the Haslar Centre for young offenders near Gosport , Hampshire , all of whom face deportation .
29 A woman who offers hospitality to guests is more honourable than one who has to take in lodgers for a fee .
30 A man with a mission who offers change
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