Example sentences of "[been] [noun] to " in BNC.

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1 The nose had been smashed , the throat was terribly bruised , and there had been attempts to both burn and boil the remains .
2 There had long been resistance to making him a saint due to his open contempt for Christian domestic morality ( he had lived with concubines after the death of his last wife ) .
3 In 1837 there had been improvements to the dressing floors , and it was then considered likely that every two months about 400 tons of merchantable ore and concentrate would soon be a reality , though the low price of copper prevailing at that time was felt to be something of a drawback .
4 Analysts such as Anderson ( 1984 ) , Frisby ( 1985 ) and Callinicos ( 1985 ) have thus aggressively disputed Lyotard 's famous pronouncement that the contemporary scepticism before ‘ metanarratives ’ has been midwife to the birth of the postmodern condition .
5 Late in life he married a member of the Wilkinson family ( whose firm had for many years been solicitors to the College ) .
6 There 's been damage to farm machinery as well … ’
7 In the years between the wars G. K. Chesterton and Evelyn Waugh had been converts to Rome .
8 At Eton , he had been fag to a charmless older boy who had wasted no time in introducing Henry to the joys of homosexuality .
9 So I really can say I 've been Cake-Maker to the king !
10 In a number of cases there has been recourse to the courts by parents anxious to secure appropriate provision for their child in the face of local authority opposition .
11 The inspired stroke of telling Othello that he has been witness to one of Casio 's incriminatingly erotic dreams is here popped into Iago 's head because Casio does , at one point , actually hug him in his sleep .
12 Why had he been witness to these events ?
13 We all like to feel we have been witness to something out of the ordinary , preferably unique , and that is why the unprecedented sight of 33 catches in a Test match was titillating .
14 He began to say all the prayers to the Blessed Virgin and the saints which he had been taught at his mother 's knee , and all the while , as he prayed , he was aware that under a mile to the west lay Gribbin Head , where murder had been done eleven months before : murder he had been witness to and had profited by ; murder he had known full well was mortal sin for which , at the Judgement Seat , he would have to give account to God .
15 But there was more to it than that : as the only daughter and elder sister to Nathan and Matthew , she had become far more involved in the running of the household , and had been witness to her mother 's frequent pregnancies , miscarriages and confinements .
16 ‘ When Constanza got there she was told that her mother had made a mistake with her sleeping pills , her maid had been witness to that .
17 Both had worked closely with Laker ; been witness to — and victims of — his downfall ; both had much to say about the pitfalls Branson should , at all costs , avoid .
18 ‘ Go up ! ’ he hissed anxiously , hoping he 'd not be heard ; horrified that she had been witness to Gosse 's death .
19 The fifty pence went unclaimed and all had been witness to the head 's control of events .
20 He too had seen Alfred departing with Beatrice , but unlike Alice he had followed them , and had been witness to Alfred 's humiliating rejection .
21 A few low hovels that had once been homes to river people were now derelict , and an empty building which was once a sailmaker 's and then a barge-builder 's premises now stood empty after its last owner , a steam-traction engineer , foundered in the changing times .
22 These houses have been homes to squattors for the past 4 years .
23 The mineralogical modification of the clays has been montmorillonite to illite , kaolinite to illite below about 3000 m , and illite to sericite and chlorite at greater depths .
24 The Soviet authorities had no reason to take any interest in the fate of a handful of foreign invaders when over twenty million of their own people had been killed , while as for the Italians , it had suddenly become clear that they had in fact been anti-Fascists to a man all along and could hardly be expected to sympathize with the relatives of those few fanatics who had been rash enough to fight for the despised Duce .
25 However , some reports suggested that there had been opposition to Saddam 's decision to invade .
26 Apart from visits to the local hospital , there have been trips to St Thomas ' Hospital in London , where Graham is seen regularly by one of the world 's most eminent dermatologists .
27 Persons who have knowingly been parties to the carrying on of the company 's business to defraud creditors .
28 On the other hand , there is evidence in the fifteenth century of town building of both domestic and commercial property , which was clearly a speculative attempt to secure a profit , so there must have been advantages to be gained from this .
29 The Richardson boys had been visitors to her house for a long time .
30 Jotan 's wife Arkhina was reclining on cushions in a nearby alcove , and her mother , a daughter of Arjun the Great , was engaged in conversation with the widow of her cousin , who had been parent to Nogai .
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