Example sentences of "[indef pn] [adj] as " in BNC.

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1 Shall we soon abolish death and refer to someone dead as having a life problem ?
2 By midnight , nothing much as occurred , apart from the odd scene of fellatio .
3 There is nothing grand as there is in Alain 's house , but it is comfortable . ’
4 ‘ She said something strange as she left , ’ said Mrs Bootyman .
5 I knew there was something wrong as soon as I saw
6 Furthermore , their ascendancy accompanied the severest phase of the recession , which gave them the added incentive to try something different as some of their own areas were among the hardest hit .
7 Whether you pass an exam or not and you think to yourself , well they 're not really bothered about what you do , so that means you do n't really think of it in terms of , oh well , he is really taking pride in me or her and really want me to do well , it goes beyond just teaching me , it 's something personal as well .
8 Jean-Claude , exhausted by the long ride from Paris and a late night of in-toxication , moaned something unintelligible as I got out of bed , rolled over and promptly went back to sleep .
9 Nathan 's face tightened in a wince and he muttered something unintelligible as she smoothed on some antiseptic cream .
10 He grunted something unintelligible as he went to the security cupboard and slammed it shut , twisting his key in the lock .
11 As long as you are doing to number two something appropriate as effective by what you have decided to do .
12 you could median split them at whatever the medium was and then you 've got two groups to compare erm because it usually looks quite nice if you 've got something comparative as well as looking at the average sort of , you know , pattern of responses on the questionnaire .
13 its only one short as well Look at all the , look at all the Brian .
14 Today I mean they , I mean when you take , years and years ago when there used to be man handling everything same as timber , I mean we had about three hundred dockers then .
15 There may be more security in hanging on to the old and acquiring something new as well .
16 They picked him and one other as their prisoners , and let the others free to spread the news .
17 I remember thinking something unprintable as I flew through the air and remember wishing I 'd worn a body protector as I landed very hard .
18 I remember thinking something unprintable as I flew through the air ’
19 The strains are emotional as much as physical , as the carer tries to keep everyone happy as well as trying to make sure , as far as possible , that no harm befalls the elderly mothers during the hours that they spend on their own .
20 According to Atwater , at the time There was nothing new as such about grass roots lobbying , but the sophistication and skill brought to this tactic by the Reaganites in the new conditions of the 1980s was a development of great significance .
21 There are some syllabus makers , often expatriates , in all subjects , who would see anything African as desirable and anything European as irrelevant ; the antithesis of the old Euro-centred approaches and equally ridiculous .
22 You 've got the ones who actually like music and like to see things happening a little differently , and then you 've got the others who see anything different as being difficult .
23 It has become popular to explain anything puzzling as being due to some supernatural power , but this is a short cut to complacency .
24 Mrs Johnson has been a major supplier to both Sotheby 's and Christie 's this spring season , offering silver , furniture and works of art at sales both in New York and London ( some lots undesignated as to their owner ) .
25 Di did that not because erm as capitalist countries we would perceive anything communist as being the enemy and so it , it 's actually in our interests to , to , to lump them all together rather than question because
26 There are some syllabus makers , often expatriates , in all subjects , who would see anything African as desirable and anything European as irrelevant ; the antithesis of the old Euro-centred approaches and equally ridiculous .
27 He would not , in fact , feel anything special as he reached the critical radius , and could pass the point of no return without noticing it .
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