Example sentences of "[indef pn] [be] as " in BNC.

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1 VISITORS to Belgium often sneer at the scruffy appearance of the country 's towns , farms and people , and pointedly note how much neater everything is as soon as you cross the border into Holland .
2 It seems that everything is as it always is in my kind of life .
3 Everything is as it has been and will be . ’
4 ‘ The Welsh Highland Railway has one of my units and another may be borrowed for ‘ Russell ’ in the future but that one is as yet in the very early planning stages . ’
5 The final table for Division One is as follows :
6 I opened my eyes — everything was as it should be , although my next-door neighbour was having a party and the noise of music and chatter was plainly audible .
7 Satisfied that everything was as it should be , he checked his watch .
8 Everything was as she had left it .
9 Not everything was as I wished it , however .
10 She looked , and was impressed almost against her will , for everything was as he said .
11 At the Rabbit Grounds , everything was as I 'd left it — the buck lying strangled in the broken catapult , the sand kicked up and messed where I 'd gone crashing .
12 Everything was as she 'd left it , her case untouched .
13 Returning to Queen 's , he asked for , and got , a few gigs in the students ' union — ‘ my very first one was as support act to Blackthorn ’ — and soon he was working once or twice a week round the local pubs and folk clubs .
14 From the gently misleading acoustic opening chords of ‘ Power Missy ’ to the final screaming guitar frenzy of ‘ Peace ’ nothing is as it should be .
15 The same could be said for Bailey 's life : nothing is as it appears .
16 Nothing is as it seems , he maintains : he never really saw himself as the prototype Cockney photographer from Blow Up ; he sees himself more as Puck from A Midsummer Night 's Dream .
17 Nothing is as it should not be .
18 Nothing was as it appeared to be with him .
19 Nothing was as it seemed here .
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