Example sentences of "[Wh adv] they come " in BNC.

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1 Whenever they came into the shop Steve 'd be on about : where 's the action ?
2 Whenever they came to meetings at the department they sat at opposite ends of the table .
3 There was always a certain resentment , whenever they came to visit , at having to give up her study .
4 Willy De Roose may have struck a lucky year enabling him to make the voyage from the Atlantic to the Pacific without having to winter in the Arctic but he did do an enormous amount of preparation and historical reading beforehand for his planning of the voyage so that he was able to snatch opportunities whenever they came .
5 And time after time after time , there have been cases prepared and whenever they came to court , there was nobody prepared to go into that courtroom .
6 Energetic — and friendly whenever they came across her and Thomas — they set to work clearing it .
7 challenge complacency whenever they come across it
8 They come whenever they come for whatever reason , and I never ask myself what it was about — I just wrote it .
9 This would certainly explain how they came to feel the need to have some wider understanding of how , and to what extent , we can acquire knowledge of any sort .
10 They are there , they are colossal , they are of another age ; and nobody knows how they came there .
11 Since crinoids often occur together in large numbers ( 'gardens ' ) with their arms waving in the currents , it is easy to see how they came to acquire their botanical analogy .
12 On the morrow the Cid took Doña Ximena by the hand , and her daughters with her , and made them go up upon the highest tower of the Alcazar , and they looked toward the sea and saw the great power of the Moors , how they came on and drew nigh , and began to pitch their tents round about Valencia , beating their tambours and with great uproar .
13 But if the terminal repeats explain how wandering members of the Alu family might get into a chromosome , what can explain how they came to be wandering in the first place ?
14 When yet another mall order catalogue or free gift offer pops through our letter-box , personally addressed , we probably hardly stop to think how they came to have our name and address .
15 She learned about their ancestors from him , and how they came to Ireland and built Riverstown .
16 Understanding how they came about is one of the challenges in this affair .
17 There is almost a tinge of predestination in footballers ' reflections on how they came to sport in the first place .
18 He was concerned to explain how they came to accept jobs which to the external observer appeared to offer them only a lifetime of poorly paid , insecure and even dangerous work .
19 Sketchy though Mr Foster 's account may be on the mechanics of the mass suspension of disbelief that supported the Reichmanns ' rise , he is at his best in explaining , meeting by meeting , how they came back to earth .
20 Or it might suggest that the religious symbols , by which men and women have conferred meaning on their lives , meet such pressing psychological needs that they remain impervious to scientific frames of meaning , which , in the last analysis , only dictate how things are and how they came to be so , without pretending to answer the why and the wherefore .
21 In this next example two Polish boys are telling an English girl how they came to be in France during World War Two :
22 But all the old miners I met , contemporaries of Orwell , remembered the arrival of the baths , thought they were wonderful , yet could n't remember how they came or who fought for them .
23 We ought to be more concerned as to exactly how they came into being .
24 Indeed , Creggan soon found out that none of the eagles seemed to like talking about where they came from or how they came to be in the Cages .
25 A mere allegation that the goods are his , without any attempt to show how they came on the premises , will not do , for ‘ to allow such a statement to be a justification for entering the soil of another , would be opening too wide a door to parties to attempt righting themselves without resorting to law , and would necessarily tend to breach of the peace . ’
26 I do n't know how they came to send me there .
27 Herodotus of Halicarnassus , his Researches are here set down to preserve the memory of the past by putting on record the astonishing achievements both of our own and of other peoples ; and more particularly , to show how they came into conflict .
28 Apart from his regrettable affliction he was in every way the opposite to herself ; a great thick-headed , rumbustious extrovert totally out of place in her gracious menage : I never did find out how they came together but on my visits I found that Cedric had one admirer at least .
29 ‘ That 's really how they came to team up as they did , and live in the same house .
30 I found out how they came there soon enough .
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