Example sentences of "[Wh adv] you come " in BNC.

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1 And in your Ks whenever you come across a word that starts with a K make sure you put it in your book and have a look at those occasionally so that you 're pretty sure you know all these K words and then if it is n't you say well okay got to be a C.
2 Whenever you come across a graph or a tree , it will be up to you to recognise what kind it is .
3 ( 7 ) Whenever you come across a mortgage or a charge put " M " prominently in the margin ; tick this as you come to any subsequent statutory receipt or other discharge .
4 He needs someone — he 's always alone whenever you come across him . ’
5 and click on the informat information that you 've got already on it and whenever you come back home , or not , into work , you plug it into the master and it it boots in
6 You are most interested in how you come across to other people , whether they think you are witty or pretty , rather than having a genuine interest in them and their views .
7 It is not unusual for parents to be unaware of how you come to be there .
8 I was rather going to ask how you come to have accepted a post which must necessarily be curtailed before too long . ’
9 And I 'm still waiting for your explanation of how you come to be here . ’
10 And how you come out unscathed — let alone with gold in your palm — I 'll never understand .
11 ‘ That explains how you come to speak Italian so fluently .
12 It 's amazing how you come across people .
13 ‘ It would be … well , interesting to know just how you came to hear about the infant 's birth , and why you felt this birth was … well , interesting .
14 I shall take your Christmas pudding with me , and the box of dates too , and I shall tell them all how you came this morning with presents and decorations and then found the mistletoe for me !
15 ‘ Do please tell us all about how you came to do this , ’ she said .
16 Mr Loveitt intervened with practised skill : ‘ Excuse me , ma'am , ’ and to Midnight : ‘ It must be established first how you came to be the property of Captain Meredith .
17 The car is lovely — but do you think you should flash money around yet — I mean , before the town knows how you came by it ? ’
18 ‘ Tell me how you came to take up a life of crime . ’
19 The new , Kixx-produced packaging tells you all you need to know about the controls and special weapons ; it even included a few tips on baddie bashing , but gives no idea as to how you came to be doing it or why !
20 " I know how you came by your money , Harry Pascoe , and I know that Sam was only in with you because you gave him no alternative .
21 ‘ I know naught of how you came into this plight , girl , and I care little enough , but this I know — you have broken the spell-wall and opened Andernesse to the powers of the dark !
22 But I want to hear now the whole story of your life , and how you came to be with the boys I saw you with that day . ’
23 I just wondered how you came to think of it . ’
24 ‘ Later she will remember how you came to her and it will comfort her .
25 ‘ Not even how you came to follow such a man ? ’
26 What we 're go interested in is can you tell us anything about how , how you came to get the job at first .
27 " Look , Miss , " he said , " my mate and I have got to get down to him , but you reported him , and I 'm afraid you 'll have to tell us how you came to see him .
28 Could you tell me how you came to move from midwifery into private nursing ?
29 He turned to Sally-Anne who was clinging to his arm , and said , ‘ I know a small chop-house near here , and when you have eaten you may tell me what happened , and how you came to be on your own , under attack . ’
30 That 's how you came about , because she chased me .
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