Example sentences of "[Wh adv] the government " in BNC.

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1 It has been thrown away in the haste of cobbling together a package of ‘ tough new laws ’ whenever the Government felt the need for legislative machismo .
2 Whenever the Government want to call a general election , that is what we will do .
3 Whenever the government runs a budget deficit , it will have to finance that deficit by borrowing .
4 It lies in our will , determination and good industrial sense , wherein the Government have been found seriously lacking .
5 Jaguar had felt itself to be protected from such a takeover by a golden share ( a mechanism whereby the government provides protection from takeover to recently privatised companies for a finite period of time ) .
6 What was established was a system whereby the government was put in a sort of market situation .
7 Midway through the debate , Ovadia Yosef , a former Sephardi chief rabbi and the spiritual mentor of the Sephardic Torah Guardians ( Shas ) , attempted to engineer a compromise whereby the government would respond positively to the US peace proposals , whilst maintaining its stand on certain aspects of East Jerusalem participation .
8 The conditions attaching to grant are that the D S S transfer , eighty five percent of it has to be spent on the independent sector , and there are monitoring mechanisms in place whereby the government is going to assure itself that has happened .
9 The LGS is a system whereby the government guarantees loans provided by banks to small businesses in situations where the risk may be high and finance might not otherwise be provided .
10 A baby is not some final luxury item that consumers can afford ( although this is obviously how the Government views it ) .
11 Labour 's trade and industry spokesman , Mr Gordon Brown , asked how the Government could pay £150 million in compensation and yet not even apologise for its mistakes .
12 ANALYSTS and advisers were yesterday lining up the next series of state asset sales and trying to see how the Government could increase the projected £19 billion over the next three years to reduce borrowing and fund tax cuts .
13 I can not understand how the Government sends a man out to fight us , as it did General Miles , and then breaks his word .
14 He said the government would not let people die if relief does not arrive , but as Ethiopia has no surplus food , no money to buy grain and no means of transporting it , it is hard to see how the government can avoid deaths .
15 But yesterday he singled out the pit closures fiasco as an example of how the Government has messed up .
16 Up until then the beleaguered Addamax stood to win no matter how the government decided since it was being bid by both Planning Research Corp and its rival Control Data Systems Inc .
17 Up until then the beleaguered Addamax stood to win no matter how the government decided since it was being bid by both PRC and its rival Control Data Systems .
18 These figures underlie a lively debate about how the government can reduce its interest costs even if ( not an unfair assumption ) little is done about the deficit .
19 It is difficult to see how the government can avoid further changes in the law in order to confront this issue before a major embarrassment occurs .
20 The second factor is how the government intervenes to affect the exchange rate .
21 While some people may need this kind of advice this is highly insulting to unemployed people and reflects how the government view the unemployed .
22 In this chapter , the discussion is concerned with how the Government 's privatization measures , together with the sale of council houses and the change in the relative prices of different forms of capital assets , interact to isolate still further the underclass .
23 No word was given , however , on how the Government 's social policies had worsened the plight of the poorest families already suffering under the economic consequences of Conservative rule .
24 Before the afternoon is out , I hope that we shall hear from the Minister how the Government propose to do that and how effective his alternative — if it exists will be .
25 I do n't quite understand how the government think they 'll keep getting away with this .
26 Obviously the effectiveness of these proposals depends on how the government chooses to enforce the regulations .
27 Is that not the best possible example of how the Government 's commitment to the NHS is working ?
28 Will the hon. Gentleman explain to miners and other people in Ayrshire how the Government can try to persuade them to vote for Tories in marginal seats when Government policies , because of their privatisation obsessions , lead directly to job losses in Ayrshire ?
29 Will the Prime Minister take time today to meet the Home Secretary to discuss how the Government should respond to the letter they have received from the mayor of Conservative-controlled Bexley drawing attention to the 140 per cent .
30 Can the Minister tell us how the Government are ensuring the speedy response necessitated by changing circumstances in other parts of the world , particularly areas with which Britain had close links in the past ?
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