Example sentences of "[Wh adv] she had " in BNC.

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1 In the apartment , Jeanne sketched and painted whenever she had the peace .
2 Sarah took to visiting whenever she had time off , which was two hours every other Sunday , and she never went empty-handed .
3 They met whenever she had a free evening and he had a free evening , and it was n't often .
4 She had been smoking dope now for the last year , scoring whenever she had saved up enough money from her weekend job at McDonald 's .
5 Whenever she had arrived before , with her mother , or on her way to stay with relatives and school friends , it had been full of innocent bustle presaging lunch at Marshall and Snelgroves and tea at Fortnums .
6 Whenever she had allowed thoughts of sharing a bed with Fen to enter her mind , just the imagining had racked her body with sensuous shivers .
7 Somehow she 'd been expecting resistance , something she had frequently encountered with Graham Rowell whenever she had attempted anything new , and it came as a shock to find that she and David Markham were on the same wavelength .
8 ‘ Promises ! ’ she exclaimed on a loving laugh , and thereafter put herself out to be the epitome of all she thought he would most dislike in a woman , shyly calling him darling whenever she had the chance .
9 Remembering that he had sent Catherine Crane to see Angela Morgan 's employers , he decided to find out how she had got on ; late as it was he did not think she would have gone off duty without reporting to him .
10 He did n't see any reason to mind it , but he wondered how she had developed such a good instinct for discovering his whereabouts .
11 That was how she had been brought up .
12 When Baby had been here , Dot remembered how she had yearned to be with him , amongst those quiet children so calm in their tidy beds .
13 She remembered how she had n't been allowed to hold him for more than a moment before he had to go back behind the bars of his crib .
14 But he could not bring himself to do it , especially not now , after Simon had revealed how she had spoken up for him .
15 It was the only way she could express it , remembering Justinette 's assertions of how she had experienced altered states of consciousness this way .
16 One girl spent the whole afternoon talking to me about her family 's obsession with beauty , how she had always been praised and noticed for being pretty and not much else , and then , just at the end , spoke guiltily of ‘ wasting my time ’ with a subject so unimportant .
17 How thrilled the girl had been to be going to the Holy City , how lovely she had looked in a jacket of scarlet silk , a birthday present given only the day before by Mrs Browning , how she had glowed and shivered with anticipation …
18 He had repeated , over and over again , what Gigia had said , of her humiliation before Ellen Wilson , of how she had not even seen Oreste .
19 Oh , admittedly the novels are n't available there , but people got to know about it and wondered how she had the nerve to reveal it .
20 His courtesy , however , contained a reticence that did not permit him to ask outright just how she had come by her knowledge of Møn when she spent only a week a year on the island .
21 Mr Gilbert told how she had divorced her husband after he had an affair with another woman .
22 A German tourist we met there , who had come tourist class from Cuzco , told us how she had given money and pens at each stop to the children who crowded the carriage windows .
23 He wondered how she had come there , and how long she had been there , and what her voice would be like , and a thousand other ridiculous things , whilst she breathed in and out , ruffling the gold threads of hair .
24 Elizabeth , watching , felt an unexpected sympathy for her , remembering how she had felt herself , with baby Alan in her arms and him not even hers .
25 Daisy Mules told the rally how she had been on a Dublin student contingent at the march which led to the Bloody Sunday massacre .
26 A farmer 's wife giving evidence at the Otmoor M40 inquiry in 1983 described how she had once become completely lost in one of her own fields while counting sheep .
27 She spoke very seriously , not joking at all , and her eyelids dropped down over her weirdly magnified eyes , thinking about trying , how she had tried , how she still tried to make her pony , Midnight , win .
28 How she had worked at it , evening after evening since she was nine , learning to ride , learning to jump , falling off , hurting herself , carrying on doggedly with Uncle Knacker shouting at her .
29 And her mind did n't question how she had got into this situation but how she was going to get out of it .
30 We sat talking for about an hour while Anna tearfully related how she had recently been ‘ ditched ’ by her lover ( a young man of 23 ) for a girl of 18 .
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