Example sentences of "[Wh adv] it come " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Poor Charlie never could understand 'ow it come ter 'appen , ?
2 Whenever it come round to my house , it gets locked in the bedroom — I just wo n't have it running around my house .
3 Whenever it came to matters of personal security , suggestions for improving it were welcome from any quarter .
4 Election fever rises and falls with the opinion polls but CAMRA is determined that issues affecting the pub and drinkers will be fully debated during the election , whenever it comes .
5 I take that as part of the Labour party 's approach to defence procurement , which is to tick off each individual project , factory or programme whenever it comes before the House and to say that it fully endorses it .
6 I do n't know if I want to marry him , or if I will whenever it comes to the crunch .
7 Well , she told me how it come to be closed .
8 I do n't know how it came to be shown at the Carlton , East Ham , but one Sunday my parents took me to see The Sheep Has Five Legs starring the French comedian Fernandel .
9 That 's how it came .
10 The fascinating details of how it came to be are still waiting to be found .
11 Just how it came to be extinguished was something of a mystery , and even the Israelis who live in Ben Ami — the farming settlement that has been built on the site — had scarcely heard the name .
12 Ask Jacob Manor about the land that belonged to Mrs Zamzam 's husband in the village of Um Al-Farajh and he could immediately explain how it came into the hands of the development authority and was then leased to the village of Ben Ami .
13 Many details , such as the reproduction of type-script and the printing of a page askew as if that was how it came out of the type-writer , suggest the fiction that the novel is a draft , a preliminary version , but of course the pages are printed and therefore fixed .
14 He told chairman Michael Croucher he had found the nearby new frame while he was walking along The Hollow ( RUPP 45 ) at Bramshott and was puzzled as to how it came to be lost .
15 A story has been passed down with the spoon to explain how it came to be repaired .
16 Robert explains how it came together …
17 Subsidiary to that , though still important , are the issues of what it has to say and how it came to be : ‘ sources ’ and ‘ designs ’ once more , both things Tolkien disliked , but useful if not essential to a proper reading .
18 A legend concerning the London North Western Railway Company ‘ Whitworth ’ class locomotive named The Luck of Edenhall No 90 — what an unusual name — but then the story of how it came by the name is unusual too .
19 How it came into the Musgrave family is as follows .
20 STRAIGHT OUT OF BROOKLYN Unfortunately more interesting than 19-year-old Matty Rich 's film — a slice-of-Brooklyn melodrama crusted with symbolism and piety — is the story of how it came to be made : ambitious kid from Brooklyn drops out of film school , blags some equipment and funds a film on the back of radio appeals .
21 That 's how it came about — idiots would clamber onstage and either get slung off or would dive off before Penge 's answer to Sid Justice got hold of them .
22 I asked Maureen about this strange and spectacular bird , and she told me how it came to be in her care .
23 ‘ Much obliged for that , Albert , ’ said Joe , and explained that he 'd got a guest and how it came about , although he said nothing about the wallet or the men .
24 To understand the world one is in is to understand where it came from , and how it came ; and it is only because it is understood , or thought to be , that one can aspire to change it .
25 Two or three weeks away from the home environment in a tense atmosphere at the site of a recently crashed aircraft where everyone , officials and public alike , is looking to you to resolve the puzzle of how it came about can be stimulating , even exciting .
26 Well I think that how it came .
27 One day when the terrible moment comes and it is bound to come when we shall be talking of the Serb national catastrophe , when we shall be questioning ourselves about who was responsible for it and how it came about that we are the last nation in Europe to be surrounded by such enemies and such hatred , then many of the great brains of the Academy will find themselves in the dock if they live to see the day .
28 And I remember I do n't know how it came up once talking with Michel Leiris about Surrealism .
29 A Music Hall sling from 1890s , introduced by the Irish comedians O'Connor and Brady , had probably first popularised the word : How it came to be adopted by , and applied to , youthful street gangs is something of a mystery .
30 I wondered how it came to pass that a thinking man bore the prejudices of his unthinking parents into the future ?
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