Example sentences of "[Wh adv] [noun sg] [vb -s] " in BNC.

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1 Which could well happen , ’ said the Prince — was it possible that he was capable of a strain of malicious humour ? — ‘ whenever parliament meets .
2 If we accept that public opinion broadly comes in two varieties : the popular and what can be regarded as the informed , each of the two strands is clearly visible whenever Parliament addresses the topic of criminal justice .
3 Whenever talk turns to the government , the name of General Chavalit Yongchaiyudh comes up .
4 Whenever ice lurks just beneath the surface the trials of descent are greatly magnified .
5 The first alternative ( and at one time in the News International dispute it was considered a possibility ) , is to fight censorship at an institutional level ; that is , for the professional association as an organization to join battle with the local authority or similar organization , by recourse to legal means whenever censorship arises .
6 Suspicions have sometimes been voiced that , whenever government has supported civic education , the reason has been that learning of this kind has been interpreted as supportive of a respectful attitude .
7 So whenever electricity whenever electricity goes through a conductor , usually a wire , the wire gets warm .
8 Whenever refraction takes place it always takes place according to the law of refraction stated above .
9 But we neither understand this power nor know , as Gassendi had already argued against Descartes , ‘ wherein thinking consists ’ .
10 Locke aroused considerable controversy with his suggestion that ‘ since we know not wherein thinking consists ’ , it may be , for all we know , that nothing more than matter is necessary for thought , and that God might have ‘ given to some systems of matter fitly disposed , a power to perceive and think ’ .
11 Its corollary , whereby praxis becomes determining history , he called the ‘ practico-inert ’ , by which he meant the material circumstances that have themselves been created by previous praxes and which form the conditions for new praxis .
12 This positive feedback process whereby calcium triggers its own release is a property of RYRs and it may also occur in those non-muscle cells expressing these receptors .
13 This all-or-none response seems to arise through a positive feedback effect whereby calcium stimulates its own release .
14 The emerging consensus is that the basic mechanism requires an element of positive feedback whereby calcium amplifies its own release .
15 The author becomes nothing more than an expert at his job , a craftsman , and the means whereby literature develops in a more or less autonomous way .
16 Systems will be set up and maintained whereby progress reports in terms of technical achievement against plan and cost expenditure against budget within the same timespan are collated and integrated for regular submission to the Project Committee and IEATP 's Monitoring Officer .
17 There are processes described for perception , immediate recall , attention , short-term memory , recognition and a whole range of rules whereby recall occurs .
18 Considered against the proud advances made in the arts and sciences whereby humanity improves the quality of life on earth , the conclusion must be that this is a shameful situation .
19 Resolution of such issues requires much more detailed demographic and environmental data , to elucidate the dynamic processes whereby climate interacts with national wealth and human development .
20 Water erosion , whereby rain washes the topsoil off hillsides , is becoming an increasing problem in the United Kingdom , worsened by high-gear agriculture and drainage .
21 The declaration stated that , whereas heretofore , to wit , etc. , in consideration that the plaintiff , at the request of the defendant , had then consented to allow the defendant to weigh divers , to wit two , boilers of the plaintiff , of great value , etc. , defendant promised that he would , within a reasonable time after the said weighing was effected , leave and give up the boilers in as perfect and complete a condition , and as fit for use by plaintiff , as the same were in at the time of the consent so given by plaintiff ; and that , although in pursuance of the consent so given , defendant to wit , on , etc. , did weigh the same boilers , yet defendant did not nor would , within a reasonable time after the said weighing was effected leave and give up boilers in as perfect , etc. , but wholly neglected and refused so to do , although a reasonable time for that purpose had elapsed before the commencement of this suit ; and , on the contrary thereof , defendant afterwards , to wit on , etc. , took the said boilers to pieces and did not put the same together again but left the same in a detached and divided condition , and in many different pieces , whereby plaintiff hath been put to great trouble , etc .
22 Of course , social security is only one aspect of the apparatus of government social policy and , equally , the Government is only one part , though an important one , of the overall social and economic processes whereby ageism has been embedded in twentieth-century Britain .
23 Unfortunately , the same seems to be true of at least parts of the apparatus of cellular machinery whereby DNA replicates itself , and this applies not just to the cells of advanced creatures like ourselves and amoebas , but also to relatively more primitive creatures like bacteria and blue-green algae .
24 Another functionalist concept , present in Durkheim 's work and elaborated by his successors , is social control , a term which encompasses all the methods whereby society keeps it members obedient to its rules .
25 The system of state welfare is seen as one of the central means whereby society moves towards the creation of social equality .
26 This view , whereby science progresses through the dialectic of its concepts rather than by testing its hypotheses against ‘ experience ’ , was developed significantly by both Bachelard and Althusser .
27 here is a diurnal rhythm whereby growth varies from 1.9 to 2.3 mm in the light period and 1.3 to 1.7 mm in the dark ;
28 External signals arriving at the cell engage surface receptors to initiate signalling pathways whereby information flows from one component to the next until the final effector system is activated .
29 The mechanisms whereby ethanol exerts its pancreatotoxic effects , however , are unknown .
30 Progression to gall stone formation in a sizeable proportion of these subjects may be the mechanism whereby pregnancy predisposes to gall stone formation .
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